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facility supervisor

Preparing the Supervisors

Bring facility departments to the next level with solid training and preparation of supervisory personnel.

Maintenance by Design?

Avoid maintenance nightmares by claiming a spot at the design table.

Creating Healthier Schools

Creating Healthier Schools

Is your child's school stuck on a pest control treadmill?

Testing, Testing

Battery-operated devices have different specifications.

Assessing Emerging Technologies

Can it improve student learning or teacher quality?

choosing the right flooring

Flooring: Putting Your Foot Down

Experts share their preferences and decision-making processes for choosing the right flooring.

Video Screens on Campus

Big Screen on Campus

The digital delivery of information across campus is facilitated by the proliferation of innovative video screens.

The Internet of Things

We are all increasingly members of this new, interconnected "community." This means that our institutions and our constituents are also members. The Internet of Things (abbreviated "IoT") is everything and everyone that is connected by a common technological fabric.

School Germs

What Can't Be Ignored

Germs must be dealt with in a firm and consistent manner.

Steps for Success

Commitment to inclusion and access drive recruitment.

buildings for extreme weather

Standing Strong

Architects and engineers are incorporating innovative methods and systems into designing buildings to withstand extreme weather.

Know Your Data

Don't just collect fire-prevention data; use it.

Summer Maintenance

Summer Is No Vacation When It Comes To Maintenance

How do you schedule necessary maintenance projects when school facilities are being used year-round for a variety of purposes?


How some schools are spending taxpayer's dollars.

Zone Maintenance

Reaping the Rewards of Zone Maintenance

Administrators share compelling reasons to consider organizing your maintenance department into zones.

Classroom Design

Do Classrooms Have To Be Designed A Certain Way?

Rethinking the good, the bad, and the ugly of flexible learning spaces.