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Schools In Focus Podcast logo and headshots Turan Duda and Jeff Paine.

Schools In Focus: Centering Student Health and Wellness In Design

In this episode of Schools In Focus, Turan Duda and Jeff Paine, founding principals of Duda|Paine Architects, discuss how architectural design is shifting to better address the mental and physical health needs of students.

The FreshAir1 Smoking Detection System detects tobacco and marijuana smoking.

Smoking Detection Company Offers Product that Monitors for Tobacco, Marijuana Smoking

The FreshAir1 Smoking Detection System is capable of monitoring up to 500 square feet and is suited for educational facilities to enforce no-smoking policies.

Outdoor learning pavilion at Linden Waldorf School in Nashville, TN.

With New Open-Air Classrooms, Nashville Private School Moves Learning Outdoors

With a curriculum centered on connection to nature and environmental stewardship, Linden Waldorf School's vision for the pavilions were to move all classes completely outdoors where students get to be in nature throughout the whole school day.

Colorado State Signs for Solar Installation

Colorado State University signed a deal that will move the Fort Collins institution closer to its goal of shifting all of its energy needs to renewable electricity by 2030.

Research: Construction Workers 5x More Likely to Enter Hospital with COVID-19

Construction workers are five times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 than other kinds of workers.

Capacity Management Added to Campus Transaction App

An education technology company better known for its payment solutions is promoting functionality within its software to help schools manage the number of students allowed in a specific space.

An architectural rendering of Adjaye Associates

Rice Chooses Renowned Adjaye Associates for New Student Center

The structure will include a multicultural center and a rooftop auditorium and will largely replace the campus' Rice Memorial Center.

CIRI Webinar Series Graphic

CIRI To Host Webinar Series Focused on Cleaning and Indoor Virus Transmission

The Cleaning Industry Research Institute (CIRI) will host a three-part webinar series called “COVID-19: The Second Wave,” beginning Thursday, Nov. 12.

Furniture Company Debuts New School Furniture to Support Active Learning Spaces

MiEN Company, a furniture company serving the education industry, debuted four new furniture products to help institutions outfit active learning spaces.

Epoxy flooring at school in Texas.

Sustainable Flooring Solutions for High-Traffic Educational Facilities

Sustainable flooring is a smart choice for schools interested in providing a healthy learning environment and demonstrating their commitment to a better global environment.

College of the Redwoods

College of the Redwoods Approves Solar Deal

A community college in northern California has projected a savings of $4.2 million over the next 20 years from an implementation of solar.

Experiential Learning Yard. Image Credit: Clemson University Relations

Clemson Adds Outdoor Lab Site for Construction Science Students

A South Carolina university has just set up a three-acre site to give their construction students a permanent space for hands-on learning.

LIDaR map of a portion of the Northern Arizona University campus in Flagstaff.

Northern AZ U Tackles Accessibility Mapping Project

Northern Arizona University is working with Quantum Spatial, a geospatial data company, to develop an accessibility map to help people with mobility issues more easily navigate the hilly campus.

The new entrance for the University of Central Missouri

U Central MO Gets "Living Room" Makeover

The University of Central Missouri has gone public with an update on a multi-year masterplan for renovating the Elliott Student Union, dubbed as the "campus living room," by the university's community.

Student washing hands with touchless faucet.

How to Improve Infection Control and Handwashing in School Restrooms

How do you create a hygienic and safe environment equipped to handle everyday usage and increased handwashing activity by students, faculty, administration and staff? And, how do you improve the restroom experience to make it more appealing to its users?

Schools in Focus podcast logo and Tom Saccenti

Schools In Focus: Active Shooter Response Planning

In this episode, we spoke to Tom Saccenti, a former campus police chief and security expert, about active shooter response planning in schools. His first piece of advice is to walk through an active shooter scenario with all teachers, janitors, staff members, etc. at the school.

Office spaces at Scott Hall.

Retrofitting University Buildings for Sound Masking

When a physical space offers a little passive noise control, such as high cubicle walls, private offices or softer, sound-absorbing materials, the effects on the well-being of each person — as well as their productivity — can be profoundly impacted.

The university reported that stage lighting will resemble that of a café. Photo by David Kadlubowski, GCU News Bureau

Grand Canyon U Students Help Build COVID-safe Outdoor Theatre

Faculty, staff and students at Grand Canyon University's College of Fine Arts and Production have constructed an outdoor theatre for use this play season, which addresses COVID-19 restrictions while still allowing students (and their audiences) to enjoy live productions.

Custodial worker using an autovac. Courtesy of Kaivac.

Proper Mop Care and Other Floor-Cleaning Systems Amid COVID-19

Floors are too often overlooked when it comes to fighting the spread of infection. For many years, many hospital administrators did not even believe it was necessary to disinfect floors. Now we know better. Floors, as well as the tools used to clean floors, deserve close attention when it comes to minimizing the spread of coronavirus.  

COVID-19 Cases Spread on Campus Due to Housing Settings and Social Gatherings, CDC Reports

Two new reports by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conclude that COVID-19 is spreading on college campuses due to congregate housing, the increase of social gatherings, and disregard for mask wearing.  

Architectural rendering of approved residence halls.

California Northstate Receives Approval on New Modular Residence Hall

A private for-profit university in northern California has received city approval to build a new on-campus dormitory for its medical students.