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Spotlight on Sustainable Learning Facilities

Sustainability has long been a topic of conversation, and focus of innovation for K12 districts around the country. School Planning & Management asked Christos Chrysiliou, director of Architectural & Engineering Services for the Los Angeles Unified School District, some questions about sustainable learning environments—a topic he is well versed in.

Spotlight on Maker Spaces

Maker spaces are changing the way learning is done on college and university campuses. Rather than simply lecturing, professors are able to engage students from a wide range of majors with projects in these lab/classroom spaces that emphasize student creativity and innovation. David Moos, principal at Coscia Moos Architecture in Philadelphia, PA, is well versed in these new spaces for learning and provided some insights to College Planning & Management regarding their uses and growing popularity.


What to Consider When Selecting Floor-Care Machines

As schools across North America grapple with ever tighter operating budgets, getting the most use of cleaning equipment is of vital importance. Here are five product benefits to consider when it's time to replace your equipment.

Sanitaire EON

Five Steps to Clean More with Less

Selecting the right cleaning equipment is becoming ever more important as North America's colleges and universities grapple with flattening operating budgets. Here are five product benefits to consider to help your staff clean more with less.