Fire & Life Safety (Focus on Preparation and Prevention)
Tips for developing an effective fire prevention program for your campus.
Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)
Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)
Spaces that are too enticing to sit empty during the day.
Facilities (Learning Spaces)
Here's a look at the past, present and future technologies that create intelligent schools.
Emerging Technology (Enhancing, Engaging, Connecting)
Additive manufacturing technology capabilities are rapidly growing.
Trends in Green
The greenest school around.
- By Kerrianne Wolf
- 12/01/14
Business Practices (Achieving Administrative Excellence)
Investment in student-centered areas is changing spending for institutions.
- By Dr. Scott D. Miller, Dr. Marylouise Fennell
- 12/01/14
Facility Focus (Student Centers)
Recruit & Retain (Eastern Kentucky University)
EKU has seen enrollment growth since opening their New Science Building.
Tech 2015: Integrating Technology and Space
The challenges involved in one district's journey to wireless technology.
- By W. Wesley Watts, Jr.
- 12/01/14
Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)
Maintenance & Operations (Managing the Physical Plant)
It's what you say and how you say it.
- By Michael G. Steger
- 12/01/14
Integrating Technology and Space
The products that physically support technology — lecterns, carts, cabinets and mounts — are an important component to consider when integrating technology into campus spaces.
Emerging Technology
Classroom size and shape has changed very little. Shouldn't we consider mobile technology to provide more spatial flexibility?
Facilities (Learning Spaces)
Baltimore high school creates new opportunities for the students and the community.
Maintenance & Operations
An energy initiative that works for the environment and school divisions.
- By John A. Bailey
- 12/01/14
Trends in Green (Sustainable Innovations on Campus)
Encouraging biking on campus is contributing to sustainability.
- By Amelia Neptune
- 12/01/14
Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)
School security begins at the front door.
- By Patrick V. Fiel, Sr.
- 12/01/14
Kenyon College is seeing thousands of dollars in savings from the installation of a smart thermostat system in its residence halls, and students are appreciating the upgrade.
It's anti-intuitive, but raising the initial cost of a new school or other capital purchase can reduce total cost of ownership.
Colleges and universities in the U.S. need to step up their game to help victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence and to prevent future assaults too often related to alcohol abuse.
- By Steven R. DiSalvo
- 12/01/14