Innovative E-12 campus targets early childhood development.
Expert advice on sorting through flooring options for food preparation and service areas.
UNH futures flow with porous approaches to pavements.
Interactive projectors, monitors and whiteboards provide new teaching and learning tools.
Improving outcomes and changing destinies.
Advancement success depends on being an effective CEO.
Certain colleges and universities across the country are making plans in 2014 to expand their campus footprint and acquire more real estate. The question is, how do they carefully manage the potential challenges and risks, and implement a successful and efficient plan?
Developing, practicing and planning protocols used to prepare and respond to natural disasters.
Unless your district is a one-room schoolhouse, every capital improvement brings a corresponding disparity.
Use money wisely to prevent school violence.
The federal government requires any item purchased with grant money to be tracked, maintained and disposed of appropriately. An asset management solution gives schools the necessary tool for recording each step of the tracking process and ensures detailed documentation for compliance auditing.
Want sophomores to stay? Send them away as freshmen.
Best practices and benefits of optimizing lighting and HVAC control.
A leader in D.C. green energy initiatives.
School design that gets inside a student's head research has begun to quantify the effect of interior school design on the performance of students.
There are many factors involved in making sure our students get to and from school safely.
Here are success stories and insights as to what makes for a successful transportation program.
As Congress moves nearer to the 2014 mid-term election, some effort is underway in both chambers to find common ground on less controversial issues.