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campus building upgrades

Old Building, New Life

From BIM to energy-use monitoring, WiFi and more, existing buildings are being redesigned and outfitted to become technological standouts.

Pattern Matching

New Technology in Old Buildings

New Technology in Old Buildings

Making long-existing structures technologically up-to-date is a challenge, but it can be done.

Security Technology

Security Technology On Campus

A look at the newer security technologies colleges and universities are considering and using on campus.

Future Is Bright



Nobody thinks of parking, until they need it. Then it's a chore. Technology promises to make finding and paying for a space easier, and might even convince drivers to take the bus.

Let's Make A Deal And Kick the Can Down the Road

This piece was very difficult to write. Influencing what was finally written were: too many false starts and stops to count; changes in strategy; different proposals and the real possibility of coming up with nothing. The shutdown and deficit ceiling part has been rewritten at least five times and this opening three different times. Originally, the title for this piece was “Oh, No! Not Again, or To Be or Not to Be That is the Question,” for the ongoing shutdown, but there was a deal that ended the stalemate late on Wednesday, Oct. 16. However, the pain is not over, nor are the negotiations to solve all of the issues that forced the closure and the brink of not increasing the debt ceiling. The “deal” crafted by Senators Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell, and several senators from both parties passed both houses of Congress and was signed by the President, was a short-term fix. This is the reason for the revised title. The deal was not a fix but a temporary band-aid.

Dry Comfortable Schools

Keeping Schools Dry And Comfortable

It takes more than bricks, mortar and roofing materials to keep the heat (or cold) in and the rain out. Here's a look at what you need to know.

seawater HVAC

By the Sea

School Bus Technologies

Technologies Riding the School Bus Today

New school bus technologies are cutting costs, monitoring students, finding students for parents and more.