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campus landscape

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

An Award-Winning Landscape

Duke University has won awards for its campus landscape features and design. Careful planning and thoughtful implementation are just two keys to the university's success.

science lab

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Science on Display

Creative design can solve the conflict between having an open research lab with natural light and views where passersby can see and be excited about the research being done and safeguarding sensitive or proprietary information.

school security bollards

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

The Future of School Security

From stronger but less intrusive safety measures and “shut-down” protocols to juggling varying degrees of clearance in a complex environment, schools and airports share many of the same challenges and goals in public security.

Maintenance & Operations (Managing the Physical Plant)

Cleaning With Water

Taking a closer look at the pros and cons of chemical-free cleaning.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

The Light Gets In


View From the Industry

Look inside for commentary from experts in the field who share their perspective on trends in education and the effect those changes will have on various learning environments.

Boston Univeristy School of Medicine

Facility Focus (Libraries / Learning Commons)

Boston University School of Medicine: Alumni Medical Library

A Sense of Stewardship

On the campus of the University of California, Berkeley, Chou Hall is a leading example of the practice of sustainable development.

Bonus Points

Wellness Policies: School Districts Are Only One Year Away from Their First Triennial Assessment

By a minimum of effort at formulating a real district wellness policy, local education authorities can affect the health of all students in schools by inventing a way to concentrate on helping those kids eat better, exercise more, and eliminate properly.

Designed to Dine

Student dining facilities are changing—and university officials need to be flexible and prepared.

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More