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Legally Speaking

Abuse Prevention

Is your house in order for the new school year?

Hot Tips (Furniture Supplier)

How To Choose A School Furniture Supplier

facilities management


Taking Stock of Your Facilities

Colleges and universities can improve facilities management and maximize budget efficiency through comprehensive, campus-wide assessments.

prefab construction

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Today's Prefab Construction

Personalized prefab is here. Really. Are you willing to try it?

cleaning products

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

A Safer Environment

How to make healthier cleaning work in educational facilities.

facilities and landscaping

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

Building Closer Town-and-Gown Ties

Unprecedented pressure heightens the importance of effective interaction between colleges and the cities they inhabit.

campus police

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Today’s Well-Dressed Campus Police Officer

Here's a look at the technology with which the well-dressed police officer—and the officer's car—are equipped, to ensure the best possible outcomes when policing campus.

school safety

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Keeping Students Safe

Today's world can be a dangerous for students, teachers and administrators. Here are some thoughts about preparing for the worst.

Grand Valley

Grand Valley School District Strikes the Right Chord

Grand Valley Local School District in Orwell, OH, has had nora premium rubber flooring in place for more than a decade. But it looks as new today as when it was installed.

green demolition

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Green Demolition

Often before a new building goes up, an old building must come down. These are the steps to a systematic, sustainable approach to demolition.

Legally Speaking (Insight on the Issues)

College Student Safety Law

An update on "special relationships" and shared responsibility.

Business Practices (Achieving Administrative Excellence)

Enrollment Management

Summer months are the cruelest in college admission.

Hot Tips (Energy-Efficient Facilities)

Reducing Your Energy Use and Cost

school facility costs

Business (Managing K-12 Education)

School Facilities: What Do They Really Cost?

In this article, we explore lifecycle costs and vital factors to consider in order to make the most cost-effective choices for your facilities.

media center

Building Blueprints (Facilities In Focus)

Library Transformations

Make your media center an innovation district

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Analysis Paralysis

Ask the Expert (School Fleet Vehicles)

Why Are Golf Carts A Potential Liability On Campus?

Focus Desk

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Furniture That Supports Movement-Friendly Learning

Sustainable Schools

Sustainable Also Means Healthful

Six ways to make your school childsafe.

Renovation or New Construction?

Deciding between creative re-use of an existing building or new construction is not an architectural decision that happens in a vacuum. It's critical to understand all the problems that you are trying to solve.

Spotlight on STEM Education

One of the challenges for K-12 educators is giving students a basic understanding of potentially complex STEM subjects. John Dichiara, program manager for Tata Consultancy Services (and former middle school science teacher) discusses some ways he has learned to present technical subjects to a younger generation of students.

Spotlight on Student Healthcare

Dr. Betsy Clachko, medical director for Sacred Heart University Student Health Services in Fairfield, CT, discusses some of the challenges and benefits of on-campus healthcare, covering topics ranging from student medical records to maximizing medical resources.

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More