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Ask the Expert (Gunshot Detection)

How can we add gunshot detection to our facilities?

Washington University

Facility Focus (Sports and Athletics)

Washington University: Francis Field House

spaces for learning

Spaces for Learning

The evolution of academic spaces on campus continues to transform interiors into areas that are interactive, tech-enabled, and adaptable to a variety of uses for collaborative engagement.

Coe College

Facility Focus (Sports and Athletics)

Coe College: Athletic and Recreational Complex

Hot Tips (Occupant Safety)

Planning for Evacuation

GEM car

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Going Green is Golden

deferred maintenance

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Dealing With the Deferred Maintenance Challenge

How do you make inroads into a seemingly insurmountable deferred maintenance backlog?


A Versatile Solution for Sanitation in Schools

The environmentally-friendly GVC-18VAC combines dry steam cleaning and a vacuum system to effectively clean and sanitize almost any surface. From the classroom to the locker room, you’ll be able to eliminate bacteria and other allergens quickly and thoroughly.

Fire & Life Safety

A Few Tips

Reducing the risks from wildfires for your campus.

squash court

Building Blueprints (Facilities In Focus)

A New Challenge

Building school squash courts requires planning outside of the box.

sustainable interior design

Sustainable Interior Design

In recent years, more research has come to light in support of the impact that facility design has on student performance. These studies reveal clear evidence that the physical characteristics of a classroom impact learning, and furthermore, that a link exists between well-designed school facilities and increased academic achievement.

Fire & Life Safety (Focus on Preparation and Prevention)

Facility Managers: Their Role in Fire Safety

The people who know your buildings best have a role in protecting them.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Looking to the Future

Unilock Pavers

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Better Stormwater Management Made Easy

Ask the Expert (Gunshot Sensors)

What Does It Take To Add Gunshot Detection Services To Your Facility?

Facilities Management (Managing Assets)

What's Under Your Feet?

Don't overlook the importance of floor coverings in your campus facilities.

electronic security

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Electronic Security on College Campuses

College campuses need to secure lots of doors, today. Security departments are turning to electronic locks to secure those doors.

school access control

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

School Access Control

Even the most thoughtfully designed and perfectly installed access control strategies can often easily be compromised by staff who do not do their part to support them. While staff development is called for, making access control a reality in deed as well as word is must be a leadership priority.

fabric wall

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Transforming Walls into Versatile Surfaces

The Sustainable Campus (Trends and Innovations)

The Healing Power of Landscape

The University of Texas at Austin balances health, community, and ecology.

Intelligent Buildings (Facility Systems and Efficiency)

Data-Driven Facility Management

Operational data comprise a tangible resource for building managers.

Hot Tips (Emergency Evacuation)

Planning For Evacuation


Facility Planning

Integration by Compaction and Subtraction

Fostering blended work-sharing environments in next-generation schools

Unilock Pavers

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Reducing Runoff, Growing Student Spaces

movable furniture

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Planning for Movable Furniture

An outdoor furniture installation on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is the result of a desire to increase the use of campus spaces...and a helping hand from a coalition intended to strengthen community.

deferred maintenance

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Who's on First? Prioritizing Deferred Maintenance Projects

With limited resources in school districts burdened with leaky roofs and worn out heating equipment, how can facility managers prioritize?

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

R.I.P. Liberal Arts?

outdoor classroom

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Classrooms in the Great Outdoors

After years inside classrooms, educators are rediscovering the learning benefits provided by the great outdoors. There are outdoor educational opportunities in engineering, math, science—all of the basic subjects.

School Access Control

Even the most thoughtfully designed and perfectly installed access control strategies can often easily be compromised by staff who do not do their part to support them.

2018 Education Operations Health Index

Dude Solutions Is Back with More Data in Their 2018 Operations Health Index

What can empower your team and help transform your operations for the better? Data. Using data to your advantage can make all the difference in getting the results your institution is after. See how your industry peers reported on the current state of their operations and get insight into how you can use the information to improve yours in Dude Solutions' 2018 Operations Health Index.

Washington Update: What Will Happen Next?

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More