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Assessing Building Needs

Smarter Mechanical Systems for Schools

Spotlight on Institutional Leadership

A college or university can only be as strong as the person who leads it. Dr. Marylouise Fennell, RSM, knows this quite well, having spent more than 35 years in Higher Education Administration—as a dean, former president of Carlow University in Pittsburgh and as a higher education executive search consultant at Hyatt Fennell Executive Search.

Spotlight on Student Centered Design

Chris Gibbs is a principal at DLR Group Architects and has seen many changes and trends come and go in educational facility design. Designing for student engagement and experience are part of what informs his process, along with the goal of holistically transforming the outcomes for all learners.

schools doing more with less

Business (Managing K-12 Education)

Doing More with Less

Lessons from the Field.

energy savings

Maintenance & Operations

Shared Energy Savings Partnerships

Effectively managing equipment and resources.

Lutron lighting

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Better Lighting for Better Project Flexibility

Business Practices (Achieving Administrative Excellence)

Surviving a Presidential Transition

Tips to smooth the way for both outgoing and incoming presidents.

Maintenance & Operations (Managing the Physical Plant)

Infrastructure Planning

When making a plan for working on our campus, where do we start?

Hot Tips (Mail Services)

Mail Center Management

Bowling Green State University

Facility Focus (Science, Laboratory and Research Space)

Bowling Green State University: Moseley Hall

Ask the Expert (Makerspaces)

What is a Makerspace?

Business Practices

Key to Success

Positive leadership in the school business office.

school sports venue

The "Value" of Multi-Million-Dollar Sports Venues

There has been a lot of news coverage — both positive and negative — about high-priced sports venue on K-12 school campuses. In this article, SP&M presents two such projects and allows you to be the judge.

Portland Public Schools

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Portland Public Schools Strikes the Right Image

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Do We Have the Right Models?

school security

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

All Round School Security

School security starts at the perimeter of the school, but where is that? Security experts point to three perimeters that need securing.

germs everywhere

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Don't Touch That!

Your mom was right. There are germs everywhere. Don’t touch them. And don’t touch your face.

Berry College science museum

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

Finding a Home for a Science Museum

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More