School and campus administrators throughout North America are very concerned about coronavirus and its impact on their facilities, students, teachers and staff. And there is good reason.
As coronavirus concerns mount, what should administrators and cleaning professionals know?
<em>Spaces4Learning</em> has several resources on best practices for cleaning and sanitizing schools and maintaining healthy schools during peak flu season, which can be applied to the coronavirus. Here you'll find our top articles and a webinar on the subject to help you combat the spread of coronavirus.
Electric vehicle chargers are much more than a plug-and-play upgrade to the old gas pump.
In this episode, Todd Ferking of DLR Group talks about education design that is geared toward the future.
Autonomous shuttles could make transportation around campus easier for students, instructors, staff and visitors.
Some common strategies and parallel considerations are at play in all master planning for the outdoors. Each campus must first be approached on its own terms, free of predispositions on planning.