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Caption: Single leaf sliding doors support North Creek High School’s (NCHS) collaborative culture in Bothell, Washington. Credit: © Chris Eden /

Collaborative Design Through the Lens of Interior Sliding Doors

In Bothell, Washington, Dykeman, Inc. worked with the Northshore School District to create a flexible, innovative learning center for 1,600 students centered on collaboration. They incorporated state-of-the-art interior single leaf sliding doors and hardware into eight "collaboration cubes" to pave the way for project-based and problem-based group learning, without compromising design.

CIRI Science Symposium Focuses on Coronavirus Cleaning and Response

The Cleaning Industry Research Institute (CIRI) will host an all-day online science symposium focused on coronavirus cleaning and pandemic response on March 31.

Technology for Campus Parking Centers

Data-Driven: How Customer Service Platforms are Improving Campus Parking

What do your students complain about? Fair or not, parking is usually near the top of the list. To handle those complaints, many campuses are turning to parking-specific customer service platforms to support their automated parking operations.

Cleaning for COVID-19

COVID-19, Cleaning and Schools

School and campus administrators throughout North America are very concerned about coronavirus and its impact on their facilities, students, teachers and staff. And there is good reason.