64 Degrees, a reimagined student dining facility, has opened at the University of California, San Diego.
Lebanon Valley College has found a key to sustainable dining.
Spaces that are too enticing to sit empty during the day.
The greenest school around.
Sustainable design expertise has delivered the first high-performance building on the campus of Boston University.
What will the 21st-century learning environment look like?
Making the most of available space by gong underground.
As the trend of outsourcing services grows, schools need to examine the pros and cons. What should you keep and what's safe to give up?
Not your parents' lunchroom!
Expert advice on sorting through flooring options for food preparation and service areas.
After a recent fire sprinkler activation on a food-service line, there was a review of what caused the sprinkler to activate. The activation was not due to a fire or a problem with the sprinkler head. It was determined that the sprinkler activated due to misplaced equipment under the hood.
Sure, it’s easy to toss trash into the proper receptacles and to turn off the lights when leaving a room, but how does a university with thousands of personnel, administrators, and students on campus initiate a greener place to live, work, and study? Green initiatives for the higher education sector are everywhere, and there are so many ways that colleges can get involved, from implementing cleaner technologies that use less power consumption to offering vegan dining choices in the cafeteria to properly disposing of old, outdated printers.