

Business (Managing K-12 Education)

Should I or Shouldn't I? Facing the Outsourcing Decision

Sometimes it's a more responsible use of resources to contract a service. But how do you know for sure? Here's how to work through the process.

Innovative Library

An Innovative New Library

Restroom design

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Rethinking Restroom, Shower Room and Locker Room Design

For a variety of reasons, restroom, shower room and locker room designs are changing. Here's a look at what's driving those changes and what the spaces look like.

California State University Fresno’s School of Education

Technology (Innovations for Education)

Teaching the Teachers

California State University Fresno's School of Education has created technology-enabled classrooms that promote next-generation learning for the next generation of teachers.

Making Schools New

Technology (Enhancing + Engaging + Connecting)

Making School New Again

Technology is reinventing K-12 teaching and learning.

gender-neutral restrooms

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Restrooms for All

Despite pushback from an unfriendly administration, gender-neutral restrooms grow more common — and more necessary — on college campuses.

Campus Housing Survey

Housing Survey

Campus Housing: Expectations vs. Reality

Building Materials

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Deciding What Building Materials to Specify

It's time to build a new school, and there's a lot more to the process than securing the funding and beginning the digging. One part of the process is choosing building materials. Here's how.

Managing Campus Visitors

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Managing Campus Visitors

In today's world, colleges and universities must not allow campus visitors to come and go without scrutiny.

Cleaner Air

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Cleaner Air, Better Students

Research shows that students — as well as teachers — perform better when schools implement indoor air quality programs.

Historic Campus

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Looking Back, Moving Forward

New buildings on historic campuses must pay homage to the past while claiming their own time and place in history. It's a hard line to walk. Three schools discuss rules to live by and when to break them.


Facilities (Campus Spaces)

The Boiler Room Is the Classroom

What will students see when they look inside an advanced campus HVAC system? High-tech HVAC systems can serve as living labs.

Checking School Visitors

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

All Visitors Must Sign In

With the enormous attention we have placed on safe and secure campuses, is it still possible for a stranger to enter a school building and walk around freely without anyone noticing?

campus lighting retrofit

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Tackling a Lighting Retrofit: Ten Tips for Success

Can you save energy (and money) by undertaking a retrofit with today's lighting technology? Yes, you can, say the experts.

school lit up at night

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Saving Money on School Lighting Design

A school's lighting system affects the physical and emotional well being of the students and the staff. It also plays a major role in the facility's energy costs. In this article we explore how much of this expense can be avoided.

Leaky roof

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Is the Roof Leaking?

Leaky roofs can lead to expensive damage to facilities. Early detection of roof leaks can save headaches and dollars. Here is a look at various methods of leak detection for commercial roofing systems.

Life Sciences Building

Future Focused

From responsive rooms to bold buildings, today's colleges and universities are embracing innovative learning environments.

elementary school prototype paradigm

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

What If We Changed the Rules

school roof installation

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Weather or Not?

Maintaining watertight roofs is an ongoing challenge for many facilities professionals. In seeking advice from experts all over the country, their lessons learned were in several categories.

personal learning spaces

Personal Learning Spaces: Going Beyond Just Flexiblity

Natural Disasters

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Preparing Schools for Natural Disasters

Preparation paves the way to surviving a disaster and getting right back to business. How can K-12 schools prepare?

green cleaning

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Green Cleaning Without VOCs

Take a closer look at the "no VOCs" claim when evaluating your green cleaning efforts.

snow storm

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

It Might Happen: Tips for Preparing for Natural Disasters

Depending on your location, you may be at risk of experiencing specific disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, wildfires or winter storms. Here is advice from the experts on being prepared.

campus flooring choices

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

The Prestige Factor

Flooring plays a vital role in creating attractive "front-of-the-house" spaces. But in addition to being attractive, the floors in these areas must also be functional, safe and cost-effective.

construction procurement alternative

Business (Managing K-12 Education)

Job Order Contracting

A construction procurement alternative.

outdoor signage

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

The Vital Role of Signage and Digital Displays

Wayfinding, Notification, Communication and More.

school flooring options

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

The Choice is Yours

The lowdown on school flooring options.

Historic Jones and Palmer Halls

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

The Next 100 Years

Historic Jones and Palmer Halls Redesigned for New Purposes.

digital signage

Technology (Innovations for Education)

The Writing on the Wall

As technology improves and costs go down, colleges may be tempted to use more digital signage. How do you balance digital and static signs to create a cost-effective program? Three experts share insights.

campus staff deciding on purchasing options

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

You'd Better Shop Around

It can be advantageous to the bottom line if your campus purchasing department has a process in place to invite new vendors to the table to bid on providing goods and supplies.

Cost Savings and Efficiency

Trends Shaping Higher Education: Waste Collection

Trend Toward Cost Savings and Efficiency

Product Implementation

Trends Shaping Higher Education: Safety & Security

Trend Toward Product Implementation

Trends in Education

The Global Challenge

Moving the Learning Environment Beyond the Four Walls

Machine Learning and Time-Sensitive Networking

Trends Shaping Higher Education: Wired and Wireless Networks

Trend Toward Machine Learning and Time-Sensitive Networking

trends in education


What Challenges Schools Could Face in 2017

interdisciplinary design

Trends Shaping Higher Education: Health Science Facility Design

Trend Toward Interdisciplinary Design

cyber security: server

Technology (Innovations for Education)

Battling Cyber Criminals

Cyber vandals and criminals pose dangers to colleges and universities.

trends in education


A Roadmap to Sustainability Purchasing

building envelope: parking structure

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Who Owns Your Building Envelope?

Communication is key to answering this question, especially when multiple contractors and systems are involved.

Impact of Spaces

Trends Shaping Higher Education: Campus Planning and Design

Trend Toward Integrating and Extending the Impact of Spaces

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More