


Campus Parking Trends

New technologies are available that are making campus parking more user-friendly and manageable, which is beneficial to operations and the bottom line.

Audience Systems outfitted the white box theater with custom all-white seating.


Unique Seating Solutions for School Theaters and Gyms

What brings a school community together more than a school theatre production or a home game? In order to accommodate spectators and audience members alike, seating must prioritize comfort and versatility.

Palo Alto High School staff envisioned a library that would feature updated technology, natural light, and a more functional, open layout with clear sightlines and improved circulation patterns.


Palo Alto High School's Library Transformation

Palo Alto High School staff envisioned a library that would feature updated technology, natural light, and a more functional, open layout with clear sightlines and improved circulation patterns.

Regarding school security, it’s important that we see facial recognition as a tool, rather than as a panacea. Technology needs to be thoughtfully incorporated into a larger plan for it be effective.

School Safety

How to Effectively Utilize Facial Recognition for School Security

It’s been one year since St. Therese Catholic Academy in Seattle made the decision to adopt facial recognition technology as one of their security tools — here’s what they've experienced since doing so.

A teacher carrying a tablet smiles while students are working at their desks facing the front of the classroom.

5 Reasons Teachers Leave and How to Prevent It

Here are five common reasons teachers are leaving their jobs and some ways to beat the odds and keep them.


Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Transforming Traditional Campus Buildings

With careful planning and craft, architecturally significant buildings can take on new life through interior renovations that create up-to-date spaces while retaining historic integrity.

outdoor spaces

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Outside the Walls

Encourage students and the campus community to engage with outdoor spaces through purposeful planning, but don't be surprised by unanticipated uses that may emerge as those spaces evolve.

sports and fitness facility

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

What's New in Sport and Fitness Facilities Design?

Student-athlete wellness is just one of a number of drivers of college and university sport and fitness facilities design.

reinventing learning

A Roadmap for Reinventing Learning

Copenhagen school


Designing with an Eye to the Future

sports facility

Facilities (Sports and Fitness)

Let's Play Ball! Managing Sport Facilities

trade school

Facilities (Workforce Development)

A Changing Workforce Demands Change in Education

building envelope

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

From the Outside In

Building envelope systems not only work to keep the inside in and the outside out, but can also contribute to a facility’s or institution’s sustainability goals while presenting an attractive, functional front.


Reinventing the Student Experience

Makerspaces are providing students with the tools they will need in the world of work through hands-on projects and the use of cutting-edge technology.

building exteriors

Facilities (Building Envelope)

3 Critical Elements of a Building Exterior

storm shelter

Construction Methods

Winds of Change: Storm Shelter Design Guidance

In recent years, the International Building Code has mandated that all new construction for K–12 schools in most of the Midwest and South Central United States include a community storm shelter. This article will explain the requirements of storm shelter design and explore best practices for planning and construction.

quiet spaces

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Shhh. How to Design Campus Quiet Spaces

Students need space and time for quiet study, reflection, mediation, and stillness. Here’s a look at what goes into the design of quiet spaces in order to make them both welcoming and effective.

modular building

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Easy Come, Easy Go Campus Buildings

Modular buildings on college and university campuses rise up here, move over there and, when necessary, just disappear.


Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Before the Snow Falls

Autumn is the ideal time to prepare structures for winter from roof to foundation. Undertaking routine inspections in the fall can prevent costly repairs in the future.

locker room cleaning


5 Keys to Proactive Locker Room Cleaning


Sustaining a Sustainable Building: The Keys to Operational Success

Targeting net positive energy design, the Fales Elementary School's positioning and geometry optimize energy generation from rooftop PV cells and daylighting.


Business (Managing Higher Ed)

Educating Custodial Workers

Clean facilities are healthy and high-performing facilities. Ensuring that custodial workers are properly trained on equipment, supplies, and methods leads to more effective and successful workers and healthier facilities.

partnering FM

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

Partnering for Project Implementation

How to find success in university facility and program management partnerships.

passive house

Passive House Grows on Campus

noisy classroom

Facilities (Walls, Ceilings & Floors)

The Noisy Classroom

classroom lighting


Shining a Light on Success in the Classroom

The Library of Today and the Future

Building Blueprints

No More 'Shhhh!' The Library of Today and the Future

Our culture has changed. Your community has changed. Has your library changed yet?

Harnessing the Potential of Outdoor Spaces

Outdoor Spaces

Harnessing the Potential of Outdoor Spaces

Enlisting students in your design plan and working alongside nature can result in outdoor spaces that are recreational, educational and engaging in ways you might not expect.

 Immersive Learning Environments: An Untapped Resource for Differentiated Learning

Expert Perspective

Immersive Learning Environments: An Untapped Resource for Differentiated Learning

As education principles continue to evolve, immersive learning environments offer an emerging and meaningful education tool.

Facilities & Design

Building Trendy K-12 Schools

The world of education is changing more quickly and more comprehensively than ever before. Two key developments are effectively changing the traditional design of K-12 schools.

trends at collegs and universities

Looking Forward

Trends In Education

Life's one constant is change and College Planning & Management is here for it. From the expansion of big data to plant-forward dining options, schools are adapting with the times. Here's a look at what's happening now and into the future. Is your school ready for what's next?

Trends in Education: View From the Industry

Look inside for commentary from experts in the field who share their perspective on trends in education and the effect those changes will have on various learning environments.

structural integrity

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Preserving Structural Integrity

It is important to include a structural perspective of your facilities when considering the impact of deferred maintenance.

deferred maintenance at school steps

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Why Deferring Maintenance Now Will Cost You Later

Your environment is more than simply the place you are; the atmosphere you occupy affects you on a biological level, sending signals to your body and mind that influence your health in a variety of ways.

campus landscape

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

An Award-Winning Landscape

Duke University has won awards for its campus landscape features and design. Careful planning and thoughtful implementation are just two keys to the university's success.

science lab

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Science on Display

Creative design can solve the conflict between having an open research lab with natural light and views where passersby can see and be excited about the research being done and safeguarding sensitive or proprietary information.

school security bollards

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

The Future of School Security

From stronger but less intrusive safety measures and “shut-down” protocols to juggling varying degrees of clearance in a complex environment, schools and airports share many of the same challenges and goals in public security.


View From the Industry

Look inside for commentary from experts in the field who share their perspective on trends in education and the effect those changes will have on various learning environments.

AV wall

Technology (Innovations for Education)

AV Innovations for Today’s Classrooms

More higher education institutions are adopting an audiovisual technology-enabled approach to learning.

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More