
Christopher Newport Hall at Christopher Newport University

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Connecting to Campus

Thoughtfully designing the high-traffic areas that define your campus plays a crucial role in establishing your institution's identity.

school cooridor

Healthy, Safe Schools

K-12 school environments can cause illness and injuries. What schools must do to prevent these problems.

two men looking at technology

Technology (Enhancing + Engaging + Connecting)

7 Tips to Ensure Your District Is 'Digital from Day 1'

Three district-level directors of technology share their best practices for ensuring that your digital initiatives are ready to go the moment students set foot in the classroom.

maintenance cleaning floors

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Floors Need Special Care

Nearly all flooring surfaces in a school facility can be considered 'high traffic areas.'

emergency exit

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Residence Halls and Emergency Evacuation

It's both big things and little things that come together to ensure student safety when evacuating a residence hall in an emergency. Here are three things to take into account.

residence hall restrooms

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

21st-Century Residence Hall Restrooms


Facilities (Learning Spaces)

My Roof's Got a Hole In it...

Each roof leak is an opportunity to fail. As always, planning for all possible alternatives in advance will pay dividends in the future.


Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Lighting for Humans

How the latest lighting technologies enhance student success, safety, and engagement.

campus housing

Campus Housing: Back to Basics

As we do each year, College Planning & Management recently surveyed college and university housing administrators to learn about the state of their facilities, what challenges they are facing, what the trends are in new facilities, and what improvements they would like to see in their residential life programs and accommodations. Here are some results and observations from that survey.

learning environment

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

New Wine in Old Bottles

Imagine the opportunities that could be created in the learning environment if there were 50 or even a 100 points of light in each classroom that could be controlled individually or grouped in zones.

disaster response

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Planning Disaster Responses

Many different kinds of disasters can strike your school. Are you prepared to respond?


Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Wildfires Go to College

It doesn't happen often, but every now and then a wildfire threatens lives and property at a college or university campus.

Wallace School Iowa

Specifier's Report: Outfitting 21st-Century Educational Facilities

Here's what administrators have to say about specifying products that best serve the needs of the school or district.


Facilities (Campus Spaces)

A Prescription for Healthy Roofs

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to roof maintenance.

mechanical systems

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Control Freaks

Optimizing School Mechanical Systems By Paying Attention.

purchasing and procurement

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

Educated Buying

Building and maintaining diverse purchasing and procurement capabilities for colleges and universities is educated buying.

Northland Pines High School

Intelligent Schools

K-12 school buildings that automatically manage and control utility costs 24-hours a day.


Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Authentic Experiences

The key to engaging students in learning.

University of Windsor

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Bringing Out That Community Feel

A landscape reboot at the University of Windsor makes for a more cohesive, competitive, and inviting campus.


Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Flooring for Learning Spaces

Choosing the right flooring for lecture halls and classrooms will have an impact on acoustics, aesthetics, maintenance, and more.

smart campus

The Future of Higher Education: Smart Campuses

From the IoT to self-driving cars, college and university campuses are becoming more efficient and productive with the development and deployment of new technologies.

school bus

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Keeping Schools Healthy Starts Before the Kids Get to School

Organic Learning Environments

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Creating Organic Learning Environments Through Sustainable Design

The structure and surrounding landscape can be active learning tools.

health care training

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Experiential Learning in the Health Sciences

Design strategies to support learning are smoothing the transition from learning environment to care setting for health care training.


Facilities (Learning Spaces)


Like many things in life, flooring decisions are not always easy 'black or white' decisions.

medical school

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Future-Proofing Medical Schools With Flexible, Adaptive Design

fresh air in the classroom

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

FRESH AIR: The Impact of HVAC Systems on Indoor Air Quality

Expecting children to learn in poorly ventilated classrooms is like requiring them to read blurry textbooks.

school commons area

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

We All Scream For—Mobility, Convenience, Flex Appeal, and Lunchtime Learning

Today's schools aren't putting all of their eggs in one basket, but opting for more personal choice, food portability, and digital functionality in student dining facilities.

outsourcing SaaS

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

What to Ask When Outsourcing SaaS

Here are five questions to ask potential partners when seeking to outsource Software as a Service (SaaS).

indoor air quality

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Deep Breaths

The EPA says improving indoor air quality can improve the performance of students and faculty

indoor air quality

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Deep Breaths

The EPA says improving indoor air quality can improve the performance of students and teachers.

digital sinage and display

Technology (Innovations for Education)

Top Uses for Digital Signage and Displays

Details of developing a successful installation on the campus of West Virginia University.

parking payment station

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

The Value of Parking Audits

In today's technology age, parking audits are more important than ever.

classroom design

Everything I Learned About Learning in Kindergarten

What higher education can learn from kindergarten classroom design.

cleaning schools

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Ways School Administrators Can Keep Students and Staff Healthy this Winter

Why a new type of cleaning and maintenance protocol may be necessary.

modernizing school buildings

Designing to Reinvent Teaching & Learning

Changing space is easy, but changing what happens in that space is where the real magic happens.

clean campus

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Getting Clean

Are the buildings on your campus clean enough? We asked the professionals how clean buildings should be—and how to get them that clean.

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Storm Shelters for Education Facilities

Designers should consider these three things.

school bus

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

The Business of School Buses

Organizing and managing a school bus operation is a large business undertaking for any school district.

internet of things

Technology (Innovations for Education)

Intelligent Facilities

The Internet of Things can make the job of facilities managers easier, but getting buy-in may take some time and education.

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More