Purchasing and Procurement

person using calculator across from someone using a computer

How Schools Can Maximize COVID Relief Funds

ESSER and EANS funds are designed to help schools reopen quickly and safely, as well as address the months of significant learning loss by U.S. students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Only now are experts beginning to understand the full scope of learning loss brought on by a year-plus of the pandemic – and initial reports are worrying.

cooperative purchasing for schools

Trends in Cooperative Purchasing

School districts see value in using cooperative purchasing entities as they get a steady, predictable pricing structure and supplier source.

Wallace School Iowa

Specifier's Report: Outfitting 21st-Century Educational Facilities

Here's what administrators have to say about specifying products that best serve the needs of the school or district.

purchasing and procurement

Educated Buying

Building and maintaining diverse purchasing and procurement capabilities for colleges and universities is educated buying.


Procurement: An Emerging K-12 Profession

As K-12 school districts have grown in size and complexity, buying supplies has become a sophisticated profession.

Higher Education Trend

Higher Education Trends: What's In Store For 2018

Our annual look at trends influencing campus life and learning is back for 2018. From regenerative design to the latest developments in technology, these topics are on the forefront as experts discuss what the coming year might bring.

green purchasing

Are We Green Yet?

The concept of green procurement has been around for nearly two decades. Are colleges and universities on board?

Change Doesn't Need to be Disruptive

Making the move to a new vendor.

Solar, Minus the Investment

Towson University installed 4,000 solar panels with zero upfront costs.

construction procurement alternative

Job Order Contracting

A construction procurement alternative.

campus staff deciding on purchasing options

You'd Better Shop Around

It can be advantageous to the bottom line if your campus purchasing department has a process in place to invite new vendors to the table to bid on providing goods and supplies.

Writing RFPs: Five Factors for a Favorable Purchase

Well prepared RFP's will result in better, faster and more valuable outcomes for schools.