SP&M Article Archive

School Planning & Management's vast database of articles is a valuable tool for anyone who plans, designs, equips, maintains and operates pK-12 schools nationwide.  Popular topics include facilities, safety & security, technology, business, finance and the learning environment. Articles are displayed in chronological order, beginning with the most recent.


Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Focus on Flooring

You have to cover the floor, so why not make a statement?

Safety & Security

Good Time to Review Plans

Hazardous materials incident protocols for schools.

Ask the Expert (Safety and Security)

Can Technology Make Schools Safer?


Business (Managing K-12 Education)

Procurement: An Emerging K-12 Profession

As K-12 school districts have grown in size and complexity, buying supplies has become a sophisticated profession.

Maintenance & Operations

Weathering the Storm

Emergency prevention/mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Seems Like a Smart Investment

Fire & Life Safety

Why Inspections Are Necessary

There is no better way to identify situations or activities that compromise life safety.

Business Practices

Fundraising and Finance: The school–volunteer relationship.

award winner

Facility Planning

James D. MacConnell Award Winners

Projects that enhance the educational program and hold purpose and distinction within a community.

educational space

Education in 2018 and Beyond: A Look Ahead

Readers, columnists and others who work in education-related positions look ahead to 2018 and beyond and share their thoughts about what we have to look forward to—both positive and negative.

rainwater harvesting

Sustainable Schools

Rainwater Harvesting Made Easy

Eight strategies to make rainwater conservation affordable and efficient.

early childhood learning space

Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)

Early Childhood Learning Spaces

Many factors play role in creating effective space.

informal space for collaborative learning

Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)

Anyplace Anytime

Creating informal spaces for collaborative learning.

digital signage

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Digital Signage: Everything Old Is New Again

Take a look at how school administrators are putting digital signage to use, capturing the attention of digital natives, aka students.

School Security Trends for 2018

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