SP&M Article Archive

School Planning & Management's vast database of articles is a valuable tool for anyone who plans, designs, equips, maintains and operates pK-12 schools nationwide.  Popular topics include facilities, safety & security, technology, business, finance and the learning environment. Articles are displayed in chronological order, beginning with the most recent.

Emerging Technology

Which Door Did You Choose?

Making the Correct Decision Concerning Technology Purchases.

Livable Building

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Texas Middle School Earns Livable Buildings Award

Design reflects growing trend toward sustainable solutions and hands-on learning environments.

Performing Arts Center Renovation

Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)

Making Old New Again

5 things to consider when renovating performing arts centers.

Hot Tips (Variable Refrigerant Flow)

VRF Has Many Advantages

Fire & Life Safety

Energy Storage and Fire Safety

Be aware of the codes and standards concerning battery and energy storage.

Sustainable Schools

More Than a Luxury

Four reasons to verify your energy savings.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Facilities Do Matter

interior design for schools

Design Does Matter

Are your students engaged and excited about learning? Lecture versus hands-on exercises. Static desks versus swivel chairs and Hokkie Stools. Industrial Age versus 21st Century design. What does your high school look like? And how engaged are your students?

Safety & Security

Active Shooter Training

Does your options-based approach meet standards of care?

campus fence

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Removing Barriers

As years go by, school campuses can become tangled with fencing which no longer serves its original purpose. Improve the appearance of school grounds by removing outdated, unnecessary barriers.

Operation Leadership

Maintenance & Operations

Excellence in Operation, Leadership

Having a strong vision for the new school year.

Ask the Expert (Response Plans)

What Is the Difference Between Emergency Response and Pre-Incident Plan?

Tech Friendly Interiors

Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)

Tech-Friendly Learning Hub

District transforms traditional school library into media center and internet café.

School Construction

Business (Managing K-12 Education)

Solving Construction and Operating Problems With BIM

Building Information Modeling can help manage building construction, operations and maintenance.

Internet of Things

Technology (Enhancing + Engaging + Connecting)

The Internet of Things (IoT): The Art of the Possible

Education professionals predict that, in five years, the majority of schools will have incorporated IoT into core functional areas. What is IoT, and how does it and will it relate to our educational facilities?

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