SP&M Article Archive

School Planning & Management's vast database of articles is a valuable tool for anyone who plans, designs, equips, maintains and operates pK-12 schools nationwide.  Popular topics include facilities, safety & security, technology, business, finance and the learning environment. Articles are displayed in chronological order, beginning with the most recent.

Harnessing the Potential of Outdoor Spaces

Outdoor Spaces

Harnessing the Potential of Outdoor Spaces

Enlisting students in your design plan and working alongside nature can result in outdoor spaces that are recreational, educational and engaging in ways you might not expect.

 Immersive Learning Environments: An Untapped Resource for Differentiated Learning

Expert Perspective

Immersive Learning Environments: An Untapped Resource for Differentiated Learning

As education principles continue to evolve, immersive learning environments offer an emerging and meaningful education tool.

Facilities & Design

Building Trendy K-12 Schools

The world of education is changing more quickly and more comprehensively than ever before. Two key developments are effectively changing the traditional design of K-12 schools.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

The Technological Transition

Business Practices


Trends in Education: View From the Industry

Look inside for commentary from experts in the field who share their perspective on trends in education and the effect those changes will have on various learning environments.

school security bollards

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

The Future of School Security

trends at collegs and universities

Trends: Key Developments Driving School Design

deferred maintenance at school steps

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Why Deferring Maintenance Now Will Cost You Later

Your environment is more than simply the place you are; the atmosphere you occupy affects you on a biological level, sending signals to your body and mind that influence your health in a variety of ways.

two men looking at technology

Technology (Enhancing + Engaging + Connecting)

7 Tips to Ensure Your District Is 'Digital from Day 1'

Three district-level directors of technology share their best practices for ensuring that your digital initiatives are ready to go the moment students set foot in the classroom.

maintenance cleaning floors

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Floors Need Special Care

Nearly all flooring surfaces in a school facility can be considered 'high traffic areas.'

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

The Time Has Come for Us to Say 'Sayonara'

school cooridor

Healthy, Safe Schools

K-12 school environments can cause illness and injuries. What schools must do to prevent these problems.

disaster response

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Planning Disaster Responses

Many different kinds of disasters can strike your school. Are you prepared to respond?

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