SP&M Article Archive

School Planning & Management's vast database of articles is a valuable tool for anyone who plans, designs, equips, maintains and operates pK-12 schools nationwide.  Popular topics include facilities, safety & security, technology, business, finance and the learning environment. Articles are displayed in chronological order, beginning with the most recent.

2 theaters

Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)

Pulling Back the Curtain: A Tale of Two Theaters

cleaning schools

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Ways School Administrators Can Keep Students and Staff Healthy this Winter

Why a new type of cleaning and maintenance protocol may be necessary.

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Storm Shelters for Education Facilities

Designers should consider these three things.

Student-Led Innovation

career tech

Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)

Workforce Development

Creating business-savvy designs for career tech.

career education

Sustainable Schools

A Renaissance of Work

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Recognitions, a Farewell, a Welcome


School Facility Maintenance to Prevent Pest Problems

Emerging Technology

When Cybersecurity Becomes Cyber Warfare

Find how you should go about protecting your district.

modernizing school buildings

Designing to Reinvent Teaching & Learning

Changing space is easy, but changing what happens in that space is where the real magic happens.

school bus

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

The Business of School Buses

Organizing and managing a school bus operation is a large business undertaking for any school district.

Hot Tips (HVAC Efficiency)

Using VRF Systems to Solve HVAC Challenges

Facility Planning

My Day as a Kindergartner

Reflecting on this has affected my view of educational design.

Ask the Expert (Active Learning)

What Is Meant By the Term Active Learning?

safer school dismissal

Safe and Secure Schools

A Safer Dismissal Process, One Pickup at a Time

For one elementary school principal, reorganizing the end of the school day has made life less chaotic for teachers, students, and parents.

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