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Smart litter receptacle

Smart Litter Receptacles Cut Waste Expense

Victor Stanley's smart, connected waste receptacle and integrated software, RELAY, are expected to save colleges and universities up to 40% on litter and recycling collection expenses annually.

Washington Update: Where Are the Nation and Education Headed?

In the weeks to come we will learn more about the approach Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos will be taking and who will be some of the key players in the agency.

Washington Update: Where Are the Nation and Education Headed?

In the weeks to come we will learn more about the approach Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos will be taking and who will be some of the key players in the agency.

high school bleachers

Dant Clayton and NJPA Team up to Elevate the Fan Experience at Beaver Local High School

Working together, Dant Clayton and NJPA created the opportunity for the Beaver Local High School to replace its non-compliant and outdated bleachers with an ADA-approved grandstand, complete with a press box, that seats nearly 2,500.