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Therapy Dogs on Campus: The Benefit to Students, Faculty

From helping young children read to relieving the intense stress faced by university students, dogs are an increasingly familiar part of educational programs across the country.

Five Tips for Holding on to That Back-to-School Shine

Here are top five tips for sustaining a clean, healthy learning environment and your pristine deep-clean -- plus some extra credit! Each of our school-zone-defense strategies comes paired with an easy way to help students recognize how they can cut down on cross-contamination.

UW-Milwaukee’s Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex

Paths of Glory

UW-Milwaukee's Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex illuminates the route from science building to social hub.

Healthy Facilities

Healthy Facilities

The Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI), in partnership with School Planning & Management and College Planning & Management magazines, held the first annual Healthy Facilities Award program. This special section highlights the standouts among the entries received.

Sustainable Parking Design

Efficient and Prudent

Sustainable design revolves around the sun.

Engaging With Social Media

Building a stronger brand by connecting with students digitally.

Making Spaces

cordless backpack vacuum

University of Utah Meets Three Cleaning Challenges with Cordless Backpacks

The custodial staff at University of Utah cleans 121 campus buildings. Three areas posed a specific challenge to vacuum: the library, lecture classrooms, and the Student Life Center. Then they tried the GoFree Flex Pro cordless backpack vacuum from ProTeam.

Planning Strategies

Programmatic Synergies

Planning strategies to support future pedagogies