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The Boiler Room Is the Classroom

What will students see when they look inside an advanced campus HVAC system? High-tech HVAC systems can serve as living labs.

Building Condition

Building Condition and the Influence on Student Learning

The time is now for a national study on the correlation between public school buildings and learning.

Change Doesn't Need to be Disruptive

Making the move to a new vendor.

Combat Infection with UV-C Technology

Deploying Ultraviolet-C technology maximizes infection control and protects student health across a community college campus.

Compliance U

The evolving role(s) of general counsel and chief compliance officers.

Checking School Visitors

All Visitors Must Sign In

With the enormous attention we have placed on safe and secure campuses, is it still possible for a stranger to enter a school building and walk around freely without anyone noticing?

Electric Avenue

The University of Georgia has raised $15 million to add electric buses to its fleet.