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Living Building

The Living Building at Georgia Tech

This living-learning laboratory will be a model for the region.

Breaching Locked Doors

Rapid access to master keys necessary when lives are at risk.

sustainable school operations

Think Differently

Designing for sustainable operations.

Be Creative

Using technology and resources to do our best with less.

dining facilities

Food For Thought

Turning dining facilities into learning environments.

digital signage

The Writing on the Wall

As technology improves and costs go down, colleges may be tempted to use more digital signage. How do you balance digital and static signs to create a cost-effective program? Three experts share insights.

Maintaining Critical Systems

Keep your fire and life-safety technology in top shape for best performance.

campus staff deciding on purchasing options

You'd Better Shop Around

It can be advantageous to the bottom line if your campus purchasing department has a process in place to invite new vendors to the table to bid on providing goods and supplies.

Bottle filling stations

BYOB (bottle)

Bottle filling stations promote good health and sustainability.

Who Holds the Keys?

Rapid access to master keys is vital when lives are at risk.