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child washing hands

Five Ways to Kickstart Your School's Cleanliness

Routine cleaning measures can significantly reduce overall facility costs.

school security camera monted on wall

School Security Technology Has Learned a Lot

From cameras to personal emergency communications devices, today's school security technology is better than ever.

Washington Update: A 2016 Post Election Update

Few pollsters predicted the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election. Education was not a primary talking point during the campaign. The initial questions people who have an interest in education are asking: “What will our President-Elect do? and what is on his agenda?”

Washington Update: A 2016 Post Election Update

Few pollsters predicted the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election. Education was not a primary talking point during the campaign. The initial questions people who have an interest in education are asking: “What will our President-Elect do? and what is on his agenda?”