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Libraries transform to learning commons

Not Hush Hush Anymore

Libraries transform to learning commons.

School Bus Safety


School buses in the United States have an astonishing safety record. School-Bus-Safe is as safe as safe can be.

Automating Technology Audits

An essential element of your business and technology plan.

Indiana University historic building

Altogether Now

A landmark building on the campus of Indiana University has been reconfigured to house 21st-century media learning.

Pest Management

Pest Management

Keeping unwanted residents off your campus is an integral part of maintaining healthy and safe college facilities.

Physical Access Control Systems

For Best Results, Follow the Directions

Here's what the experts have to say about what constitutes effective physical access control systems and ensuring that your systems work together to achieve the best results.

Wakeup Call

Can we get the dollars needed to fix our schools?

maintenance planning

Preserving Our School Facility Investments

Building component forecasting and obsolescence/major maintenance planning.

Presidential Transitions

Considerations for timing the announcement of a new CEO.

joint-use space for students and the community

Performing Dual Roles

A joint-use space for students and the community.

parking structure restoration

Fix It Or Forget It?

Whenever possible, renovation is the sustainable option.

Heating With Wood

The University of Maine at Farmington has opened a new biomass heating plant.