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The President’s FY 2016 Education Budget: Continuing to Invest in the Nation’s Future

This article is on the President’s FY 2016 budget proposal. It seems like an annual rite of spring. What is different?

The President's FY 2016 Education Budget: Continuing to Invest in the Nation's Future

This article is on the President’s FY 2016 budget proposal. It seems like an annual rite of spring. What is different?

Walls and Ceilings

Walls and Ceilings: What's Beneath the Surface?

More than just pretty faces, walls and ceilings must be carefully designed in order to create functional, safe and efficient interiors.

Assessing Technology Solutions

Evaluate your safety, security and emergency preparedness systems.

Good News, Again!

But our school buildings still need more attention and funding.

Better Light

Let There Be Better Light

Research shows that different kinds of light help students take tests, study, collaborate with others and relax.

Seek Solutions

Celebrating what U.S. schools do well and a man who pointed the way.

Bucking the Trend

Increasing enrollment in an era of consolidation.

Looking Good


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