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Facilities (Campus Spaces)

A Prescription for Healthy Roofs

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to roof maintenance.

Washington Update

As in most years, the President’s budget request is dead on arrival when it is announced. This year is not much different than those in the past. However, with a divided government, the budget and appropriations process gets a bit more challenging and interesting. The

Washington Update: FY2020 Budget Request, Dead on Arrival

As the current administration's FY2020 proposed budget is released, the work is cut out for both houses’ appropriations and budget committees to meet the deadlines to finalize a FY 2020 budget. But like in most past years, the likelihood of meeting it is a far reach.

Coppin State University

Stonhard Provides Quick, Cost-Effective Flooring for Coppins' Physical Education Complex

Stonhard guaranteed a long-lasting, decorative floor system that could be installed quickly and at a fraction of the cost of the originally specified polished concrete.

Spotlight On Women in STEM Leadership

Patricia Malone, interim executive director, School of Professional Development and executive director, Center for Corporate Education at Stony Brook University discusses with College Planning & Management the importance of encouraging women into leadership roles and how colleges and universities can play a part in supporting gender equality in STEM.

Stormwater Management

An Integrated Approach to Stormwater Management

Addressing stormwater controls early in facilities design and incorporating multiple solutions can yield cost savings and long-term benefits to a campus and its neighbors.

mechanical systems

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Control Freaks

Optimizing School Mechanical Systems By Paying Attention.

purchasing and procurement

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

Educated Buying

Building and maintaining diverse purchasing and procurement capabilities for colleges and universities is educated buying.

Safety & Security

Are Your Strategies Wanting?

Emerging extreme violent attack methodologies.

Northland Pines High School

Intelligent Schools

K-12 school buildings that automatically manage and control utility costs 24-hours a day.

Ask the Expert (Student Safety)

Can technology contribute to student safety and well-being?


Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Authentic Experiences

The key to engaging students in learning.

Business Practices

Integrated ERP Solutions

It's time to learn all of the features so you can make use of their full value.

University of Windsor

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Bringing Out That Community Feel

A landscape reboot at the University of Windsor makes for a more cohesive, competitive, and inviting campus.


Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Flooring for Learning Spaces

Choosing the right flooring for lecture halls and classrooms will have an impact on acoustics, aesthetics, maintenance, and more.

smart campus

The Future of Higher Education: Smart Campuses

From the IoT to self-driving cars, college and university campuses are becoming more efficient and productive with the development and deployment of new technologies.


Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Mobile Furniture Makes for Engaged Minds

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More