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Hot Tips (Color Pavement Marking)

MMA vs. Thermoplastic

energy rebates

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

High School Qualifies for Energy Rebates

Sidney High School also betters its energy efficiency.

Ask the Expert: Purchasing and Procurement

To Bid Or Not To Bid: That Isn't the Question!


Facilities (Campus Spaces)

The Handwriting Is on the Wall

Take a look at the next big thing in college and university classroom design: walls you can write on and push around.

Safety Practices

Maintenance & Operations

Don't Overlook Safety Practices in the Workplace

Is your school division reactionary or proactive?

The Sustainable Campus (Trends and Innovations)

A Green Revolving Fund

The University of Dayton sees sustainability as the greater good.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

New Schools, Old Schools, Safe Schools

school collaboration


Creating Successful Joint-Use Collaborations

Collaboration is the art and science of combining people's talents, skills, and knowledge to achieve a common goal.


Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Off the Grid

Microgrids offer college campuses energy independence, resiliency and lower power bills. Are you ready to take your school off the grid?

The Safe and Secure Campus

Drones on Campus: Have a Policy

Five Reasons Every School Needs to Brand

A solid brand is an essential beacon for a school; one that not only unifies but also strengthens. A well-crafted school brand is key to a school's communication effectiveness.

Lifts to Upper Levels of Schools Need to be Quiet and Dignified

One challenge for K-12 facility managers tasked to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has been offering full access to elevated areas on campus. These areas can range from stages and raised platforms to theater, auditorium, library, administrative offices and student centers with mezzanines or second floors not served by a traditional elevator.

Cranston High School East

Cranston High School Identifies Security Solution and Saves Money Using Cooperative Purchasing

Find out how this high school took advantage of a cooperative contract to implement a comprehensive security solution that fit their budget and prepared them for future expansion.

Challenges to STEM Education and How to Overcome Them

College and universities must focus on attracting and retaining students into STEM majors to meet the demands for a skilled workforce educated in these disciplines.

Hand Washing, Face Washing, and Disease Prevention

A survey conducted by Russell Research for the American Cleaning Institute and published towards the end of 2011. The study found that nearly 90 percent of children do wash their hands after using the toilet at school, but the numbers drop considerably from this healthy high point.

Washington Update Let’s Make a Deal: Appropriations and Other Policy Issues

Lawmakers appear to be sending early signals of independence to the Trump administration on education budget issues.

Washington Update - Let’s Make a Deal: Appropriations and Other Policy Issues

Lawmakers appear to be sending early signals of independence to the Trump administration on education budget issues.

Trillium Creek Primary

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Connecting the Community

Cornish College of the Arts

Facility Focus (Residence Halls)

Cornish College of the Arts: Cornish Commons

Successful School Design

Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)

Successful Designs Inside and Out

Experiential and accessible environments for students with special needs.

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    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More