A few solutions to minimize renovation costs and support sustainablity goals.
The new, two-story elementary school will replace South Point Elementary and is funded by Prop S, a $26 million bond issue approved in April.
The Texas school district approved a contract with Gaggle, a software company that scans student emails and files stored on school-issued Google or Microsoft accounts.
Over the summer, Olathe West High School added solar panels over two picnic tables where students can charge their phones and laptops.
The new construction, funded by a $295-million bond measure passed last year, will accommodate the California district’s rapidly growing student population.
The $15 million building renovation was part of Mayor Walsh’s $2.08 billion Imagine Boston Capital Plan. It was the final phase of an overall $33 million project to two Eliot school buildings.
What brings a school community together more than a school theatre production or a home game? In order to accommodate spectators and audience members alike, seating must prioritize comfort and versatility.
The students got “teacher-level access” to systems and hacked the system to obtain home addresses, in addition to GPAs, SAT scores, phone numbers and other private information about every student in the district.