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Harnessing the Potential of Outdoor Spaces

Harnessing the Potential of Outdoor Spaces

Enlisting students in your design plan and working alongside nature can result in outdoor spaces that are recreational, educational and engaging in ways you might not expect.

Ohio School Gains Updated Cooling and Lighting — and Functional Atomic Clock

An Ohio school district tackled its outdated energy systems with the help of an energy service company and regained a functioning atomic clock in the process. Howland Local Schools worked with Plug Smart to implement new air conditioning and LED lighting.

High School District to Pump $600k into Smarter Surveillance System

The board of a California school system has approved funding to replace legacy security camera gear. West Sonoma County Union High School District awarded the $602,948 contract to Integrated Security Controls, a regional solution provider.

District Solar Deal Includes Learning Wagons

District Solar Deal Includes Learning Wagons

Hamilton Southeastern Schools will be working with Ameresco to implement two solar arrays, with a total of 4,800 panels and the capacity of generating 2.4 million kWh annually.

lifelong learning

Designing for Lifelong Learning Opportunities

Are there similarities in the design of spaces for education and for senior living? Specific areas where the two intersect include creating spaces that foster lifelong learning, help people build communities and foster relationships, and combat the stigma of being either young or old.

PA High School Increases Policing of Students, Citing Greater Need in New, Larger Building

The additional security measures were necessary, said school officials, because the new building is a third larger than the previous one, 300,000 square feet compared to 190,000 square feet.

Ohio School System Adds Rooftop Solar Field

Federal Hocking Local Schools had a "grand 'turn on'" of its new solar power plant. Now, 1,968 solar panels installed on the roof of the joint middle and high school building will provide energy to the Ohio school system.

CA District Opts for Solar Carports and Battery Storage

The project includes the installation of solar panels capable of generating a megawatt of energy and a 660 kilowatt-hour battery energy storage system at Amador Valley High School.

The project, with WE Energies and SunVest Solar, will install 8,076 panels at three schools this summer. The installations will primarily go on rooftops, but one school will also have a solar field with 2,134 modules.

Wisconsin’s New Berlin First Participant in Solar Now Pilot

The project, with WE Energies and SunVest Solar, will install 8,076 panels at three schools this summer. The installations will primarily go on rooftops, but one school will also have a solar field with 2,134 modules.

Chicago-Area District Adding Secure Entrances to All Schools

The latest set of construction projects for Wheeling Community Consolidated School District 21 covers installation of secure entrances at the school system's 13 schools as well as installation of air conditioning systems.

CA District Deploying Solar at 8 Sites

Orange Unified School District has begun construction on its first solar project. The installation will include a combination of ground-mounted and shade canopies at eight district sites, generating a projected 3.6 million kilowatts of renewable electricity during the first year of operation. The school system, which has 28,000 students, is working with Ameresco on the project.

 Immersive Learning Environments: An Untapped Resource for Differentiated Learning

Immersive Learning Environments: An Untapped Resource for Differentiated Learning

As education principles continue to evolve, immersive learning environments offer an emerging and meaningful education tool.