SP&M Article Archive

School Planning & Management's vast database of articles is a valuable tool for anyone who plans, designs, equips, maintains and operates pK-12 schools nationwide.  Popular topics include facilities, safety & security, technology, business, finance and the learning environment. Articles are displayed in chronological order, beginning with the most recent.

Hot Tips (Emergency Evacuation)

Planning For Evacuation

school access control

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

School Access Control

Even the most thoughtfully designed and perfectly installed access control strategies can often easily be compromised by staff who do not do their part to support them. While staff development is called for, making access control a reality in deed as well as word is must be a leadership priority.

Hot Tips (Energy Costs)

Reducing Your Energy Use and Cost

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

More on High-Speed Access (Or Lack of it) in U.S. Schools

clean air quality

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Cleaning the Air in Classrooms

Dirty classroom air can slow learning and even make students and teachers sick. Find out how to improve indoor air quality or IAQ.

Energy Efficient Schools

Looking to the Future

Intelligent buildings, data sharing, will impact energy efficiency in schools.

school plant manager

Maintenance & Operations

An Endorsement

The benefits of a national certification program for school plant managers.

Charter school

Charter Schools: Making A Dent In Education

Charter schools are not for everyone and are meticulously designed for their student populations. As conservative school choice activists argue for greater funding for charter schools, like public schools, they differ in performance and student outcomes based on zip codes.


Technology (Enhancing + Engaging + Connecting)

EdTech's Influence: Both In and Out of the Classroom

Technology has become an integral part of K-12 classrooms. Here are some examples of how districts across the country use technology—both software and hardware—to create authentic learning experiences for students.

school restroom

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

A Moment of Privacy

Outside of the political arena, school planners, architects and engineers probably have the best chance of solving gender-neutral and other associated issues behind the doors of school restrooms.

Flexible auditorium space

Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)

Ultimate Flexibility

Designing spaces to support student and community performing arts.

Business Practices

Cycle-Based Budgeting

Improving system deficiencies for stronger budget decisions.

Ask the Expert (Network Communications)

How can we move to network-based communication?

Emerging Technology


My it security is (probably) not secure

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