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schools doing more with less

Doing More with Less

Lessons from the Field.

energy savings

Shared Energy Savings Partnerships

Effectively managing equipment and resources.

Surviving a Presidential Transition

Tips to smooth the way for both outgoing and incoming presidents.

Infrastructure Planning

When making a plan for working on our campus, where do we start?

Key to Success

Positive leadership in the school business office.

school sports venue

The "Value" of Multi-Million-Dollar Sports Venues

There has been a lot of news coverage — both positive and negative — about high-priced sports venue on K-12 school campuses. In this article, SP&M presents two such projects and allows you to be the judge.

school security

All Round School Security

School security starts at the perimeter of the school, but where is that? Security experts point to three perimeters that need securing.

germs everywhere

Don't Touch That!

Your mom was right. There are germs everywhere. Don’t touch them. And don’t touch your face.