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cyber security: server

Battling Cyber Criminals

Cyber vandals and criminals pose dangers to colleges and universities.

Steel School Construction

Steel Brings Transparency to Construction Sustainability

EDPs provide designers and construction professionals with valuable information.

building envelope: parking structure

Who Owns Your Building Envelope?

Communication is key to answering this question, especially when multiple contractors and systems are involved.

HR: A Facilities Swamp?

Managing employees is, at best, a delicate balancing act.

Trends in Education

Looking Forward

School Planning & Management asked experts who are involved in various education-related fields to talk about what is happening in regard to K-12 education and what they expect in the near future. The following are their thoughts on the topics of design and planning of learning spaces, legislation, sustainability and safety and security.

State of our School Infrastructure

Cheat Sheet 2016

A primer of pK-12 public schools infrastructure facts.

Lean and Six Sigma in Education

Analytics can help busy school business officials.

Sustainability is Working at U-M

A comprehensive study is providing data on the success of ongoing programs.

The Value of Institutional Reviews

A review will serve as a transformational vehicle for the entire institution.