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Promoting Healthy Environments in Schools

A preferred approach for integrated pest management from a national prospective.

composite product mapping

What's In Your Janitorial Closet?

A system called composite product mapping can help you select the most price-friendly and best-performing products for your maintenance needs.

campus water crisis

Bad Water

The water crisis in Flint, MI, has many colleges and universities taking a critical look at their water supplies. What are schools in Flint and around North America doing to ensure their drinking water is safe?

In Memoriam

Helping Veterans Earn Training for Full-Time Civilian Careers

Today, veterans are returning to civilian life by the tens of thousands, eager to apply their highly refined talents in sustainable careers.

Vail Mountain School learning commons

Not Hush Hush Anymore

Today, school libraries are undergoing a transformation — going from a stationary, uncomfortable, one-size-fits-all space with study carols and a card catalog to a highly flexible, interactive, technology-rich area.