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School Roofs

Out of Sight...

...out of mind. That's what most people -- facility managers included -- think about their roofs, until there’s a problem. Informed choices and diligent maintenance could extend the usefulness of one of your school's biggest assets. Can you stretch the life your roof 20 years or beyond?

school building products and materials

Pleasing and Green

What's new in building products and materials?

The Power of the Partnership

Shared use practices support a growth mantra that active children learn better.

Saving Crucial Education Dollars

A case study in business service consolidation.

School Roofs Aren

School Roofs Aren't What They Used To Be

Sustainable, teachable roofs are beginning to replace asphalt and black membrane roofs.

Emergency Messaging Systems 2014

An EMS should be part of a comprehensive communications strategy.

Creating Healthy Schools

Creating Healthy Schools

What to do with the growing body of research documenting the benefits of healthy schools.

Let's Take This Outside

A complete maintenance plan extends well beyond your facilities' walls.

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

Basic approach looks like natural surveillance.

The Wired Classroom

The Wired Classroom

Using technology in a way that is advantageous to the students and teachers.

Digital Learning

Learning in a Digital World

Higher education is being reshaped by technology. A growing number of digital learning institutes are emerging on campuses across the country, and both students and instructors are adjusting to the new ways of teaching and learning they offer.

Mixed Messages

Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age

Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age

Enabling BYOD and other mobile strategies.

Smaller School Districts

Smaller District, Greater Rewards

Manchester, Conn.'s school consolidation plan shows where facilities, student achievement and state reimbursements intersect.

Saving Big With Cooperative Purchasing

Saving Big With Cooperative Purchasing

Cooperative purchasing allows districts and schools to stretch their limited dollars. Here's how.

purchasing cooperatives

The Buddy System

Don't believe there is strength in numbers? Then you don't know about purchasing cooperatives. These purchasing powerhouses save time, money and headaches. Are they right for your school?

defferred maintenance

Can It Wait?

When it comes to protecting campus assets, it really shouldn't... "It" being maintenance. The deferred maintenance conundrum is unfortunately still alive and well across the country.