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Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Everything Old Is New Again

The Sustainable Campus (Trends and Innovations)

Electric Avenue

The University of Georgia has raised $15 million to add electric buses to its fleet.

Ask the Expert (School Communications)

Is It Possible To Integrate, Segment School Communications?


Improve Indoor Air Quality in Schools with Better Vacuuming

Are your floors really clean? Following carpet cleaning guidelines play a critical role in meeting school cleaning standards, removing allergens and reducing student and faculty absenteeism.

Five Marketing Ideas to Capitalize on the CTE Renaissance

CTE programs also are receiving dedicated marketing money, but with so many marketing choices it can be tough for a college to decide where its dollars will have the most impact.

Five Smart Steps to Integrate Sustainable Design into the Curriculum – That Work Over the Long Haul

Every school construction or renovation project is an opportunity to make the world a better place.

Coppin State University

Impact on Learning

Coppin State University

Stonehill College: Sally Blair Ames Sports Complex

Facility Focus (Sports and Athletics)

Stonehill College: Sally Blair Ames Sports Complex

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Developing Human Capital

campus lighting retrofit

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Tackling a Lighting Retrofit: Ten Tips for Success

Can you save energy (and money) by undertaking a retrofit with today's lighting technology? Yes, you can, say the experts.

school lit up at night

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Saving Money on School Lighting Design

A school's lighting system affects the physical and emotional well being of the students and the staff. It also plays a major role in the facility's energy costs. In this article we explore how much of this expense can be avoided.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Developing Human Capital

Leaky roof

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Is the Roof Leaking?

Leaky roofs can lead to expensive damage to facilities. Early detection of roof leaks can save headaches and dollars. Here is a look at various methods of leak detection for commercial roofing systems.

Clemson University

Impact on Learning

Clemson University

Ask the Expert (Cleaning Equipment)

Are battery-powered backpack vacuums worth the investment?

Wireless Access Control at Penn State

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Easy Wireless Access Control

Orem High School

Impact on Learning

Orem High School

Life Sciences Building

Future Focused

From responsive rooms to bold buildings, today's colleges and universities are embracing innovative learning environments.

Lynn Camp Elementary School

Impact on Learning

Lynn Camp Elementary School

map across classroom ceiling

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Ceiling Designed for Learning

There Can Be No Doubt

Facilities and the conditions of the learning environment have an effect on students and staff.

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More