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The Cleaning Worker’s ‘Mobile Workstation’

Do your research to ensure that your custodial staff has the right equipment to efficiently do their jobs.

ESSA and School Facility Conditions

An examination of what the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) states about educational facilities.

Transgender Students and the “Bathroom Bill”

In May of 2016 the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Justice issued guidance to schools regarding transgender students. The “Dear Colleague” letter outlined obligations and explained how they would evaluate a school’s compliance.

Transgender Students and the “Bathroom Bill”

In May of 2016 the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Justice issued guidance to schools regarding transgender students. The “Dear Colleague” letter outlined obligations and explained how they would evaluate a school’s compliance.

Sustainable College Community

A Community Approach to Sustainability

Montgomery County Community College, with the help and participation of its surrounding community, has transformed a former energy generating station into a vibrant and green learning facility.

Sustainability approach

A Whole Systems Approach to Sustainability

When we refer to sustainability in an academic setting, we are talking about an environmental system in which a building or a campus can sustain itself. What does this mean?

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

The Helicopters

healthier more sustainable school environment

Facility Planning

The Educational Village

Moving towards a healthier, more sustainable school environment.

Safety & Security

Surge Capacity

A practical means to enhance the security of your schools?

Facilities Management (Managing Assets)

Pervious Concrete: A Mixed Blessing?

Do your homework before installing pervious pavement.

The Sustainable Campus (Trends and Innovations)

A Solar Partnership

Williams College is developing a solar energy project with its surrounding community.

Emergency Egress

Fire & Life Safety

Emergency Egress

Not all plans are (or should be) created equal.

Washington University: Hillman Hall

Facility Focus (LEED Platinum Facilities)

Washington University: Hillman Hall

school exit door

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Access Control Goes To High School

In response to violent incidents at schools, access control at many K-12 schools is being tightened up.

construction management

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

Do You Deliver?

Delivering a finished building is a difficult, complicated process. From innovative financing to construction management partnerships, colleges and universities have tools to make project delivery a little easier.

outdoor learning space

Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)

Blinded by the Light

Consideration for outdoor learning spaces.

Hot Tips (Wall Protection)

Create Visual Interest With Wall Protection

Fire & Life Safety (Focus on Preparation and Prevention)

Emergency Egress Plans

The safest routes out of your facilities can change. Keep your plans up to date.

Hot Tips (Power Protection)

Backup Power Is Critical

Duke University: Nicholas School of the Environment

Facility Focus (LEED Platinum Facilities)

Duke University: Nicholas School of the Environment

access control security on college and university campuses

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Access Control Final Exam

The challenge of access control security on college and university campuses is a daily concern for administrators.

Mobile Folding Cafeteria Tables

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

BioFit Solution Extends Life of Mobile Folding Cafeteria Tables

Ask the Expert (Access Control)

What should we know about temporary door locking devices?

Sustainable School Design

Sustainable Schools

Make Green Your Theme

Design strategies to keep sustainability top of mind.

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More