July/August College Planning & Management

College Planning & Management July/August 2018


facilities management


Taking Stock of Your Facilities

By Kyle Christiansen

Colleges and universities can improve facilities management and maximize budget efficiency through comprehensive, campus-wide assessments.

prefab construction

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Today's Prefab Construction

By Betsy Maddox

Personalized prefab is here. Really. Are you willing to try it?

facilities and landscaping

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

Building Closer Town-and-Gown Ties

By Micah Lipscomb, Sumegha Shah, Brenda Smith

Unprecedented pressure heightens the importance of effective interaction between colleges and the cities they inhabit.

campus police

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Today’s Well-Dressed Campus Police Officer

By Ellen Kollie

Here's a look at the technology with which the well-dressed police officer—and the officer's car—are equipped, to ensure the best possible outcomes when policing campus.

green demolition

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Green Demolition

By Stephen P. Ashkin

Often before a new building goes up, an old building must come down. These are the steps to a systematic, sustainable approach to demolition.


Facilities Management (Managing Assets)

Absenteeism and FMLA

By Pieter van der Have

The impact of absenteeism might be greater than we think.

Legally Speaking (Insight on the Issues)

College Student Safety Law

By Peter F. Lake

An update on "special relationships" and shared responsibility.

Business Practices (Achieving Administrative Excellence)

Enrollment Management

By Dr. Scott D. Miller, Dr. Marylouise Fennell

Summer months are the cruelest in college admission.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Analysis Paralysis

By Shannon O'Connor


College of Idaho

Facility Focus (Libraries)

The College of Idaho: Cruzen-Murray Academic Library

Ringling College of Art + Design

Facility Focus (Libraries)

Ringling College of Art + Design: Alfred R. Goldstein Library


Trex Commercial Products

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Railing Enhances Openness of Student Center

Mitsubishi Electric VRF

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

A Showcase of Sustainability


Ask the Expert (Campus Fleet Vehicles)

Are golf carts a potential liability on campus?

By Troy Engel

Body Cameras on Campus

Hot Tips (Energy-Efficient Facilities)

Reducing Your Energy Use and Cost

By Amy Vigneux