Dealing with deferred maintenance in our schools.
Designers face challenges when selecting residence hall flooring. It must be attractive, durable enough to withstand regular move-ins and move-outs, as well as being safe and easy to maintain. What options are working?
New book is good guide for inexperienced planners...but
More than 50 percent of respondents to a recent CP&M survey indicated that the deferred maintenance backlog on their campus is critical — and getting worse. Here’s a look at one institution that is treading water with its deferred maintenance backlog and another that is beginning to make headway.
Five tips for choosing the best flooring solutions.
Deliberate, collaborative spaces can act as an attractor for a university, making these buildings a financially beneficial academic and community asset. Arizona State University is finding success with its new College Avenue Commons project.
A unique public-private partnership between Clemson University and Adobe has resulted in a model that has carried over to more than 40 schools throughout the country.
It is important to plan ahead for emergencies so that your mass notification efforts will reach the right people at the right time. Here’s what you need to know to develop, maintain and manage a mass notification and communication system.
Creating a playbook for greener cleaning.
Bristol Community College achieves holistic sustainability on a cold-climate campus.
Can your college or university survive a disaster?
A well-crafted, well-rehearsed crisis communications plan can keep people, property and your school's reputation safe.