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school for the deaf and the blind

Expanding Views

Building a wide-open student experience at the Colorado school for the deaf and the blind.

New Technologies In the Classroom

It is better to take a whole system approach to allow for standardization of systems and controls.


What's Underfoot Matters

Floors can be a standout part of a school's interior and enhance the educational experience.

student-centered spaces

Student Affairs

Skillfully designing and furnishing student-centered spaces, such as living-learning residence halls, student unions and common areas, can encourage positive and productive interaction.

How Long Will This Last?

A life-cycle cost analysis is an important tool when acquiring, owning, operating and disposing of buildings and systems on a campus.

Life Cycle Costs

Figuring Life Cycle Costs

Buying furniture and equipment for K-12 school districts requires an analyst's mind.


Technology Branded

An updated design has refreshed and revived the University of Illinois at Chicago Bookstore.

The Technical Nitty-Gritty of 1:1

Consider the complexity and expenses involved in 1:1.

Wall Coverings

Fire Safety Technology

A look at emerging trends in campus life safety systems.

A Sad Situation

We must be prepared for active shooters on campus.

Cooperative Purchasing and Contract Services

Cooperative Purchasing and Contract Services: Myths Vs. Truths

There are many misperceptions in the K-12 community regarding cooperative purchasing and contract services. Here, we address some of those misperceptions by discussing the myths and truths of both.