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school for the deaf and the blind

Expanding Views

Building a wide-open student experience at the Colorado school for the deaf and the blind.

New Technologies In the Classroom

It is better to take a whole system approach to allow for standardization of systems and controls.


What's Underfoot Matters

Floors can be a standout part of a school's interior and enhance the educational experience.

student-centered spaces

Student Affairs

Skillfully designing and furnishing student-centered spaces, such as living-learning residence halls, student unions and common areas, can encourage positive and productive interaction.

How Long Will This Last?

A life-cycle cost analysis is an important tool when acquiring, owning, operating and disposing of buildings and systems on a campus.

Life Cycle Costs

Figuring Life Cycle Costs

Buying furniture and equipment for K-12 school districts requires an analyst's mind.


Technology Branded

An updated design has refreshed and revived the University of Illinois at Chicago Bookstore.

The Technical Nitty-Gritty of 1:1

Consider the complexity and expenses involved in 1:1.

Wall Coverings

Fire Safety Technology

A look at emerging trends in campus life safety systems.

A Sad Situation

We must be prepared for active shooters on campus.

Cooperative Purchasing and Contract Services

Cooperative Purchasing and Contract Services: Myths Vs. Truths

There are many misperceptions in the K-12 community regarding cooperative purchasing and contract services. Here, we address some of those misperceptions by discussing the myths and truths of both.

Oakton Community College

Sun Tamer

Advanced shading techniques are in use at Oakton Community College.

captivating, stimulating learning environment

It Makes A Difference

Creating a captivating, stimulating learning environment.