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Spotlight on K-12 Master Planning

Long-term planning in the K-12 realm can be a source of great debate amongst teachers, administrators, and staff in a school district. Coming to a consensus as to what is important and what can wait is critical in the maintenance of a smoothly run district. Todd Spore, partner at PBK Architects, has long dealt with K-12 master planning. He sat down with School Planning & Management to answer a few questions about the topic.

Spotlight on Campus Construction

Colleges and universities are centers of learning and recreation. These activities are year-round, and in most cases, campuses are constantly bustling with activity—even in the summer time. When it comes to constructing or renovating campus spaces, making sure students have spaces in which to learn can be tricky, with buildings closing for work to be performed. Gwen Gilley, AIA, LEED-AP BD+C, principal, Hord Coplan Macht, has seen this scenario play out several times, and explains some of the strategies her firm has employed to help make the construction phase easier on students, faculty, and staff.

Mercer Elementary makerspace

Making a Makerspace at Mercer Elementary

Project experts at School Outfitters helped transform one elementary school's outdated media center into a state-of-the-art makerspace. See how the company's space-planning specialists tackled the project and chose the best furniture for the space.

school plant manager

Maintenance & Operations

An Endorsement

The benefits of a national certification program for school plant managers.

Business Practices

Cycle-Based Budgeting

Improving system deficiencies for stronger budget decisions.

school restroom

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

A Moment of Privacy

Outside of the political arena, school planners, architects and engineers probably have the best chance of solving gender-neutral and other associated issues behind the doors of school restrooms.

Hot Tips (Pest Management)

How to Rid Your Campus of Rodents

Hot Tips (Energy Costs)

Reducing Your Energy Use and Cost

Maintenance & Operations (Managing the Physical Plant)

Benchmarking: A Checklist

We need to improve our performance, but where do we start?

Riverside Community College District

Facility Focus (Auditorium/Performing Arts)

Riverside Community College District (RCCD): RCCD Coil School of the Arts

Energy Efficient Schools

Looking to the Future

Intelligent buildings, data sharing, will impact energy efficiency in schools.

Campus Housing

Housing Survey

Campus Housing: Evolving to Meet Student Needs

CP&M recently surveyed college and university housing administrators to find out what issues concern them in their daily operations. Here is what they told us.

Flexible auditorium space

Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)

Ultimate Flexibility

Designing spaces to support student and community performing arts.


Technology (Enhancing + Engaging + Connecting)

EdTech's Influence: Both In and Out of the Classroom

Technology has become an integral part of K-12 classrooms. Here are some examples of how districts across the country use technology—both software and hardware—to create authentic learning experiences for students.

healthy indoor air quality

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Improving IAQ in Your Foodservice Environments

Foodservice facilities have specific needs. Here are some things to think about when it comes to one of those needs: healthy indoor air quality.


Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Going to Bat for School Safety

Business Practices (Achieving Administrative Excellence)

Transitions 101

Ingredients of a successful presidential transition.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

More on High-Speed Access (Or Lack of it) in U.S. Schools

Wofford College

Facility Focus (Auditorium/Performing Arts)

Wofford College: Rosalind Sallenger Richardson Center for the Arts

campus security

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Raising the Bar on Campus Security

furniture for dining hall

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Furniture That Balances Form and Function

energy facility

The Sustainable Campus (Trends and Innovations)

District Energy on Display

Harvard University is working toward its climate action goals.

Legally Speaking (Insight On The Issues)

Next Up in Title IX Compliance

Protecting employees from sexual harassment and violence by students.

emergency communications

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)


Maintaining emergency communication systems inside and outside of buildings across campus is a matter of putting safety first.

Ask the Expert (Mass Communication)

What can we learn about campus communication from K–12 districts?

clean air quality

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Cleaning the Air in Classrooms

Dirty classroom air can slow learning and even make students and teachers sick. Find out how to improve indoor air quality or IAQ.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Healthy Minds

Santiam Christian Schools

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Secure Campus Access Made Easy

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    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More