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Washington Update. To Be or Not to Be: That is the Budget Question

The Trump administration’s “skinny budget” was submitted to Congress on March 16, 2017. The proposed budget received little support from both Republicans and Democrats, and was almost unanimously criticized by education associations, think tanks and related groups.

Washington Update. To Be or Not to Be: That is the Budget Question

The Trump administration’s “skinny budget” was submitted to Congress on March 16, 2017. The proposed budget received little support from both Republicans and Democrats, and was almost unanimously criticized by education associations, think tanks and related groups.

Kennesaw State Univ Dance Theater Floor

Harlequin Floors Transforms Stage in First Dance Theater at Kennesaw State University

When Kennesaw State University renovated their theater, they turned to Harlequin Floors for a stage floor solution. The Department of Dance lacked a permanent space suitable for dance and the renovation was an opportunity to turn the old theater into the area’s only venue built specifically for dance.

Early Childhood Design

5 Building Blocks of Early Childhood Design

Creating a Student-Centered Environment.

Business Practices (Achieving Administrative Excellence)

Strategic Succession Planning

Having a plan in place is the key to continuity of leadership.

Campus Housing Survey

Housing Survey

Campus Housing: Expectations vs. Reality

Sustainable Schools

Learning from Design

How sustainable design becomes net-positive education.

Water Quality

How Healthy Schools Save Money

Water Quality

Building Materials

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Deciding What Building Materials to Specify

It's time to build a new school, and there's a lot more to the process than securing the funding and beginning the digging. One part of the process is choosing building materials. Here's how.

Healthy Schools

How Healthy Schools Save Money

Why healthy schools don't cost — they pay.

Hot Tips (Accoustics)

Flooring's Role in Acoustics

Managing Campus Visitors

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Managing Campus Visitors

In today's world, colleges and universities must not allow campus visitors to come and go without scrutiny.


Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

HVAC Technology Transforms Space

Water Quality

How Healthy Schools Save Money

Water Quality

Learning Landscape

Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)

Learning Landscape Benefits S.T.E.A.M. Education

The children's center at Caltech reflects local ecology.

Cleaner Air

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Cleaner Air, Better Students

Research shows that students — as well as teachers — perform better when schools implement indoor air quality programs.

Legally Speaking

Be Prepared

The future of public education in the Trump era.

Historic Campus

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Looking Back, Moving Forward

New buildings on historic campuses must pay homage to the past while claiming their own time and place in history. It's a hard line to walk. Three schools discuss rules to live by and when to break them.

Maintenance & Operations (Managing the Physical Plant)

An Honest Assessment

Is your organization evolving to exceed your customers' expectations?

Indoor Air Quality

How Healthy Schools Save Money

Indoor Air Quality


How Healthy Schools Save Money



How Healthy Schools Save Money


Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Everything Old Is New Again


Facilities (Campus Spaces)

The Boiler Room Is the Classroom

What will students see when they look inside an advanced campus HVAC system? High-tech HVAC systems can serve as living labs.

Building Condition

Maintenance & Operations

Building Condition and the Influence on Student Learning

The time is now for a national study on the correlation between public school buildings and learning.

Ask the Expert (Crisis Communications)

Is it possible to both integrate and segment communications?

Business Practices

Change Doesn't Need to be Disruptive

Making the move to a new vendor.

University of Minnesota

Facility Focus (Landscapes and Outdoor Learning Spaces)

University of Minnesota, Mankato: The Connection

Reducing Indoor Chemical

How Healthy Schools Save Money

Reducing Indoor Chemical Exposure

Southern Connecticut State University

Facility Focus (Landscapes and Outdoor Learning Spaces)

Southern Connecticut State University: Academic Science and Laboratory Building

Combat Infection with UV-C Technology

Deploying Ultraviolet-C technology maximizes infection control and protects student health across a community college campus.

Reducing Indoor Chemical

How Healthy Schools Save Money

Reducing Indoor Chemical Exposure

Legally Speaking (Insight On the Issues)

Compliance U

The evolving role(s) of general counsel and chief compliance officers.

Hot Tips (Acoustics)

Flooring's Affect on Noise Levels

Indoor Air Quality

How Healthy Schools Save Money

Indoor Air Quality

Checking School Visitors

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

All Visitors Must Sign In

With the enormous attention we have placed on safe and secure campuses, is it still possible for a stranger to enter a school building and walk around freely without anyone noticing?

Classroom Security

Case History (Real-World Solutions)

Better Classroom Security for Safer Schools

Energy Efficiency

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Energy Efficiency Made Easy

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More