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Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Alert: 2017 Ahead

State of our School Infrastructure

Facility Planning

Cheat Sheet 2016

A primer of pK-12 public schools infrastructure facts.

Impact of Spaces

Trends Shaping Higher Education: Campus Planning and Design

Trend Toward Integrating and Extending the Impact of Spaces

Hot Tips (Healthy Facilities)

Reduce the Spread of Germs in Restrooms

trends in education


Education: Post Election and Pre-Inauguration

Business Practicies

Lean and Six Sigma in Education

Analytics can help busy school business officials.

The Sustainable Campus (Trends and Innovations)

Sustainability is Working at U-M

A comprehensive study is providing data on the success of ongoing programs.

Seat Height

Ask the Expert (Ergonomics)

How Do We Determine Ideal Seat Height for Chairs?

Business Practices (Achieving Administrative Excellence)

The Value of Institutional Reviews

A review will serve as a transformational vehicle for the entire institution.

Legally Speaking (Insight on the Issues)

Title IX in Transition Under Trump

Title IX will endure, but in what form?

Combining Visits With Vacation

Trends Shaping Higher Education: Prospective Students' College Visits

Trend Toward Combining Visits With Vacation

children digging in garden

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Schoolyards that Both Students and Communities Enjoy

The Space to Grow program is transforming Chicago Public School's schoolyards into vibrant outdoor spaces that encourage physical activity, outdoor learning and community engagement, while also addressing such environmental concerns as stormwater management and water conservation.

Legally Speaking

Website Accessibility

A new area of enforcement for OCR.

Hot Tips (Deep Cleaning)

Deep Cleaning Tips for a Healthy Learning Environment


Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Battling Cyber Delinquents

Cyber vandals and criminals make it more difficult to use online tools in school.

2017 Forecast: Trends Shaping Higher Education

Thought leaders share outlooks on what the future holds for the higher education campus, discussing everything from networks to waste collection.

outdoor learning spaces

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Outdoor School

Take a tour of diverse outdoor learning spaces.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

An Interesting Year Ahead

Facility Condition

Facilities condition has an impact on students, staff and institutions.

Facility Condition

Facilities condition has an impact on students, staff and institutions.

teacher holding large fish

Sustainable Schools


Importance of local and sustainable seafood is part of curriculum in Oregon.

empty classroom

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Energy Efficiency for a Living Building

21st century education redesign display

Facility Planning

SchoolsNEXT Puts Students at the Center of STEM Learning

What greater "grand challenge" is there than to ask students to design compelling and sustainable schools?

Ask the Expert (Flooring Maintenance)

What Additional Flooring Costs Should Be Considered?

student on bench with laptop

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Tuning In to Student Needs

vacuuming the staircase

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Caring for the Cleaning Machine

Vacuum cleaners and floor machines are an investment. Proper care and maintenance of these tools is vital and will extend their lifespans and provide good return on the investment made in them.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

2017 Brings Change Nationally and at SP&M

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Five Key Waterproofing Focus Areas

Facilities Management (Managing Assets)

So You Want a Career in FM?

How does the next generation of facility managers perceive the profession?

Recruit & Retain (Hampshire College)

Aligning Admissions with Mission

Recruiting the right type of student makes a big difference.

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    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More