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Preventing the Snowball Effect

The biggest challenges we face in education are acknowledging we are not serving a large number of our students, overcoming our resistance to systemic change, and admitting that if we do nothing we are likely to see a spiral of decline.

Preventing the Snowball Effect

The biggest challenges we face in education are: acknowledging we are not serving a large number of our students; overcoming our resistance to systemic change; and admitting that if we do nothing we are likely to see a spiral of decline.

Hot Tips (Physical Safety)

Increase Campus Safety and Security

Infrastructure (High-Performance Solutions)

Wiring Strategies for Wireless Success

Breakdown of deferred maintenance in schools

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Kicking the Can Down the Road

Dealing with deferred maintenance in our schools.

residence hall flooring

Facilities (Campus Spaces

What Floor Do You Live On?

Designers face challenges when selecting residence hall flooring. It must be attractive, durable enough to withstand regular move-ins and move-outs, as well as being safe and easy to maintain. What options are working?

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

What do other schools do in a crisis?

A Final Thought

Thinking About Construction?

New book is good guide for inexperienced planners...but

Saint Louis University: Spring Hall

Facility Focus (Residence Halls)

Saint Louis University: Spring Hall

deferred maintenance on campus

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later: The Cost of Deferred Maintenance

More than 50 percent of respondents to a recent CP&M survey indicated that the deferred maintenance backlog on their campus is critical — and getting worse. Here’s a look at one institution that is treading water with its deferred maintenance backlog and another that is beginning to make headway.

School stairway flooring

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Hard Choices

Five tips for choosing the best flooring solutions.

Collaborative Academic Space

The New Academic Hybrid: Creating a Mixed-Use Campus Community

Deliberate, collaborative spaces can act as an attractor for a university, making these buildings a financially beneficial academic and community asset. Arizona State University is finding success with its new College Avenue Commons project.

University and Adobe collaborative space

Business (Managing Higher Ed)

A Groundbreaking Collaboration

A unique public-private partnership between Clemson University and Adobe has resulted in a model that has carried over to more than 40 schools throughout the country.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Public Trust

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Another Approach to Deferred Maintenance

planning for a school crisis

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Not an Option: Best Practices for Managing Crisis

It is important to plan ahead for emergencies so that your mass notification efforts will reach the right people at the right time. Here’s what you need to know to develop, maintain and manage a mass notification and communication system.

Ask the Expert (Ergonomic Methods)

What Results Should You Expect When Cleaning Is Genuinely Ergonomic?

Sustainable Schools

Game On for Green Cleaning

Creating a playbook for greener cleaning.

Zero Net Energy college

The Sustainable Campus (Trends and Innovations)

Zero Net Energy, Zero Added Cost

Bristol Community College achieves holistic sustainability on a cold-climate campus.

Hot Tips (Purchasing Cooperatives)

How A Purchasing Co-op Can Help

Ceiling Provides Aesthetics and Acoustics

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Ceiling Provides Aesthetics and Acoustics

Unity College: Unity 3

Facility Focus (Residence Halls)

Unity College: Unity 3

Emerging Technology (Enhancing, Engaging, Connecting)

Institutional Resiliency

Can your college or university survive a disaster?

Hand Dryers for a Sustainable Campus

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

New Hand Dryers for a Sustainable Campus

crisis communications

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Plan A

A well-crafted, well-rehearsed crisis communications plan can keep people, property and your school's reputation safe.

Building an Outdoor Classroom

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Building an Outdoor Classroom

Safety & Security (Prepare and Be Aware)

Resources for Crisis Communications

Career Technical Education

Building Blueprints (Facilities in Focus)

Voc-tech Isn't What It Used To Be

Gateway public spaces welcome the community at new Dover High School

Low Maintenance Floors

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Low Maintenance Floors for Cleaner Air

Ask the Expert (Healthy Cleaning)

What results are expected from "ergonomic" cleaning?

Facility Planning

Creative Flexibility

Designing schools that promote active and engaged learning.

Recruit & Retain (Metropolitan College of New York)

New Faces, New Spaces

Recruitment and retention in the midst of moving.

Emerging Technology

Strategic and Operational Plans

Creating a roadmap to the future.

Passive Design

Innovative Learning Spaces

Passive Design Approach to the Learning Environment

Education and energy result in savings for schools.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Public Trust is Essential

Facilities Management (Managing Assets)

The IoT, and More

Staying abreast of technologies must involve keeping our staff trained in them.

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    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More