Student-athlete wellness is just one of a number of drivers of college and university sport and fitness facilities design.
Innovative AV technologies are changing the higher ed experience.
Building envelope systems not only work to keep the inside in and the outside out, but can also contribute to a facility’s or institution’s sustainability goals while presenting an attractive, functional front.
Makerspaces are providing students with the tools they will need in the world of work through hands-on projects and the use of cutting-edge technology.
The two-story, $51 million school was designed by DLR Group and constructed by AMG & Associates. When completed in August 2020, it’s expected to accommodate up to 900 students in transitional kindergarten through sixth grade.
Through ABM’s Energy Performance Contracting program, the customized solution is projected to save the school district close to $5 million in energy and operating costs over a 15-year period.