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The Library of Today and the Future

No More 'Shhhh!' The Library of Today and the Future

Our culture has changed. Your community has changed. Has your library changed yet?

Electrical Distribution: Designing the Campus Heartbeat

Campus electrical distribution systems support all aspects of campus activity. Understanding the challenges for new and replacement installations is imperative for maintaining university operations and protecting capital investments. This article provides insight into identifying and addressing these challenges.

Shipping Container STEM Labs Head to Maryland and Texas

A nonprofit that develops STEM education programs has come up with portable learning spaces housed in shipping containers.

Spotlight On Maintaining Town/Gown Relationships

When campus expansions and major building projects are underway, it is vital that the town/gown relationship be enhanced though community engagement strategies in advance and continuing through design, planning, and construction phases.

OK Elementary School Gets Access to 2 STEM Centers

An army of volunteers from local nonprofits and companies showed up to an Oklahoma City elementary school to help set up two new STEM operations.

NH CTE Center Gets 25 million Makeover

Officials recently broke ground on a technical school rebuild in Hudson, NH. The Wilbur H. Palmer Career and Technical Education Center, based in Alvirne High School, offers 17 programs of study. Students bus in from 15 other high schools to take part in programs on computer science, digital media, health science and technology and pre-engineering, among others.

Federal Ed Tech Funding Under Evaluation for 2020

The nearly $4 billion FCC program enters its fifth year since funding for networking infrastructure became available to schools and libraries. This article examines recent action taken by the FCC that could change how these institutions can access funds beginning in 2020.