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Evolving Vegan Options at Michigan State

Michigan State is working to understand the perspective of vegan diners and enhance options on campus.

campus sports and recreation buildings

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Embracing a New Vision for Sports, Fitness, and Wellness

Traditionally seen as venues for sporting events, workouts, and team practices, campus sports and recreation buildings are taking on an exciting new mission.

Victor Stanley

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Connected Waste Receptacles Enhance Efficiency

building envelope

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

The Building Envelope

Envelopes have long since evolved from a means to just keep outside out and inside in. Systems are advancing with, among other things, sophisticated air and vapor barriers, airtight interiors, increasingly efficient windows, and exceedingly insulated roofs.

environmental design

The Safe and Secure Campus

Safe By Design: Can attention to environmental design lead to a safer campus?

When the conversation moves from how to secure buildings and expands to securing entire campuses, attention to environmental design can help with answers.

National Office Furniture

Case Histories (Real-World Solutions)

Exceptional Academics, Solid Furniture

Ask the Expert (Campus ID Cards)

How can campus ID cards serve Gen Z students?

campus outdoor space

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

Outside Ideas for Urban Campuses

Urban-based institutions are often limited in the size of their campus footprint. Initiatives and installations at these urban campuses are optimizing outdoor spaces to maximize wayfinding, safety, and aesthetics.

Drexel University

Facility Focus (Specialty Spaces)

Drexel University: College of Engineering Innovation Studio

credential check

Safe and Secure Schools

It's In the Details

Make sure to check credentials, qualifications of third-party contractors, staff.

school outdoor space

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Taming the Great Outdoors

With a little planning, outdoor spaces can be transformed into things of beauty that students want to use.

outdoor space

From MEH to WOW

Here, the experts to tell us how to make outdoor spaces sizzle.

Fire & Life Safety (Focus On Preparation and Prevention)

Stationary Energy Storage Systems

A look at the safety concerns of renewable energy storage.

University of Texas at Dallas

Facility Focus (Specialty Spaces)

The University of Texas at Dallas: Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center

security assessment

Safe and Secure Schools

Buckets of Rocks and Baseball Bats in Schools

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

School Year Begins!

safer school dismissal

Safe and Secure Schools

A Safer Dismissal Process, One Pickup at a Time

For one elementary school principal, reorganizing the end of the school day has made life less chaotic for teachers, students, and parents.

Editor's Note (The View From Here)

Welcome Back

sports facilities

Facilities (Learning Spaces)

Sports Facilities: Focusing On Elevating the Fan Experience

Sports facilities in schools and universities are incorporating new design trends to drive more fans from their homes to the stadium. With rapid advances in technology, sports facility designers feel that in stadium venues, technology is reshaping fan experience.

Building Envelope

Facilities (Campus Spaces)

At First Sight

Diverse, innovative materials are available for the building envelope, adding impactful visual interest as well as energy efficiency to campus facilities.

Hot Tips (HVAC Efficiency)

Using VRF Systems to Solve HVAC Challenges

Safety & Security

Media Driven School Safety

Beware of inaccurate information when creating your plans.

The Sustainable Campus (Trends and Innovations)

An Energy Partnership

Colorado School of Mines challenges students with energy awareness.

Safety & Security (Protecting Campus Resources)

Metal Detectors in the Campus Setting

Supportive strategies are essential for successful entry-point screening.

Maintenance & Operations (Managing the Physical Plant)

Master Plan Performance

Improving overall campus functionality involves a well-developed master plan.

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  • Wenger Corporation

    In modern educational environments, the efficient organization of resources plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Read More